Saturday, May 16, 2009

Speed Booting Windows Xp

Start Actual speed-up booting Windows Xp Computer depending on the hardware itself, but we can akali few (approximately five seconds faster. That is the change the registry settings / regedit a Computer, provided you do not have Hardisk Bad Sector_nya .'s how:
• Log in to regedit (from the Run menu type regedit, and press enter / ok)
• Search key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ ControlSet001 \ Control \ Session Manager \ Memory Management \ PrefetchParameters
• The right, click twice EnableFrefetcher, so Change number 5 (Defaulnya 3)
• Close - Restart Computer
• Experience the difference.

Unfortunately, the files stored in booting windows folder C: \ WINDOWS \ Prefetch, delete all the contents of the Prefetch folder, the hard drive so that you are not full of files podići that is less useful.

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