Showing posts with label Tips and Trick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tips and Trick. Show all posts

Friday, January 8, 2010

Penetrating TM PC Security Protection

If you're a fan of software protection for windows, you must be familiar with this software. PC Security is a software protection for files, system, boot and others equipped with protective fiture fiture-interesting. To be able to enter and modify proteksinya settings, you must ident as an administrator for PC security and it will be asked for a password.

So you can login without a password through, how search sdeamon.exe file name and file winwd.exe which is innate PC Security TM, dihidden file from windows, so go through DOS. Usually located in the directory c: \ windows or c: \ windows \ system. Delete these two files and you will be able to enter the PC Security TM easily and without being asked to change password settingnya. Good luck

Protect files

Protect files or folders in a way nge-rename the file or folder by using alt + 255 (or with other characters is a combination of alt + number) has a flaw that the file can still be seen in windows 9x environment as that will make people who see the curious atawa want to know.

In order not to be seen or be hidden files how to change the name of the file (eg file name is try it from DOS type: "ren, try (alt +255) new locker with hidden attribute from DOS (not windows). To open the back or cut through with ease can be used Norton Commander ..... ie when it entered the NC press the F6 and change the file name that wrote he did not look earlier....

Enabling Computer Lock Features

If you are using Windows XP but only menggandalakan password from screen saver, do not expect a high level of security from it. therefore, if you activate the checkbox On resuma, display welcome screen on screen saver, the computer can still be used by someone else who has an account on that computer. for that, you who want a higher security in Windows XP can use the Lock Computer feature in Windows XP.

So when you leave the computer, but you and the administrator, no one else can use the computer. How to enable this feature:

1. Click [Start] -> [Control Panel], then select User Accounts.
2. In the User Accounts window, select Change the way users log on or off, remove the check mark in the checkbox Use the Welcome Screen.
3. Then click [Apply Options].
4. Furthermore, if you want to lock the computer, press [Ctrl + Alt + Del] and select Lock Computer

Hide user account in Windows XP

Assessment of user: / 0
Poor Excellent
Hide user account in Windows XP
When you start the computer using the welcome screen will appear and will show all the user accounts on the computer. With the tips below you can hide the user account you want.
Click Start -> Run ---> Regedit

Key -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ SpecialAccounts \ Userlist
Value Name (name of user account that will be hidden
Data Type REG_DWORD (DWORD Value)
Data 0 to 1 to hide and show again.
Although the user account does not appear on the welcome screen, but you can still log in with user account, the way by pressing the Ctrl + Alt + Del two times

Search for a file system or Hidden Files

By default, Search does not search for hidden files or system files, so you can munkin not menumukan these files even though there is in the drive.
To find these, click Start, click Search, click All Files and Folders, then click on more
advanced options, Cetang Search box and Search system folders and hidden folders.

You do not need to set the Options dialog box folder in Explorer windows to show the files tesembunyi Search Companion sharing option hide protected operating system files (which hides files and system files are hidden) The Options dialog box in Windows Eplorer.

Flash disk size was not as originally

If you use a USB disk, you may have experienced irregularities in the remaining space. Say your flash disk size is 128Mb and contains half the alias 64MB. Strangely the rest of the space should still only 67MB was 20MB.Menggapa demikin. Flash disk empty actions also cause peculiarities which sometimes filled the room only to be informed of 128MB smaller. Only 50-60 MB for example. How do I get the missing space.

Flash dist is often experienced "lost space" like this after repeatedly used the data store. Actually this is not a problem, but we should get the maximum capacity of a flash disk. To try to restore full capacity to move data from flash disk to your hard dist, then re-do the format. select a quick format just after it should have been dist-capacity flash back to normal.
good luckl.
good luck

Accelerating Windows

Click Start -> Run -> type "regedit
Sign in to each section below:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop] -> Change the following match ..
"AutoEndTasks" = "1"
"HungAppTimeout" = "3000"
"MenuShowDelay" = "0"
"WaitToKillAppTimeout" = "3000"

-> Right click add a DWORD value "DesktopProcess"
-> Right click on the item "DesktopProcess" modify this turn into a "1"
-> Delete unneeded registers (the register contained therein is the startup process that will run every time windows login)
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon]
-> Right click add a DWORD value "EnableQuickReboot"
-> Right click on the item "EnableQuickReboot" modify this turn into a "1"
-> Change the following as ...
"WaitToKillServiceTimeout" = "3000"
Good Try

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Crack Free Premium rapid share

Here is how to earn money from internet and how u can buy a account from Rs
Free Rapidshare account and to earn money 100% Working

Free Rapidshare account and to earn money
Yes People this really works
Just follow these steps
1)Skip this step if u already own a paypal account Go to
and sign up
Create a paypal premier account (this is for free)

When asked to give credit card details click on CANCEL

2)Now,Go to

Copy this links one by one in your browser....

And register.
You'll be paid just to click on their ads.
The more you click the more you earn.

How You Make Money
You make money by simply visiting websites for at least 30 seconds/visit. We will pay you $0.01 for each website you visit and $0.01 for each website your referrals visit. The best part is you can have an unlimited amount of referrals! To keep AdBux from getting top-heavy you will only earn money from those that you directly refer. This gives everyone who participates in the program a fair advantage to earn the most amount of money because you have the potential to earn more than your sponsor! Payments are issued via PayPal on a daily basis but you must request for a payment to be processed. Once requested, your payment will be issued within 24-48 hours (usually sooner). You must earn at least $10 to receive payment.

3) Finally, use this money to get your own RAPIDSHARE PREMIUM ACCOUNT

4) You could even use this money for other online shopping on e-bay or on any other sites.

.....I know the procedure is very tedious and lengthy. But I guarantee that you will succeed in your goal...
Please be patient

--or you can singup to International Offers

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Fix Error 40 windows with XP Quick Fix Plus

There are so many free programs to fix windows and restore the common mistakes that often occur in Windows XP. But there are times when we just want to correct one error windows with just one click, such as restore the Task Manager or Registry Editor.

For that, we can use this freeware, XP Quick Fix Plus.

Quick Fix XP Plus is a small program and portable (no need to install) that serves to correct the error (error) occurs commonly in windows XP. This program has a simple display, making it very easy to use. Included 40 functions to correct common errors that often occur.

Program size is only around 584 KB is practical enough to be included in the flash and used as standard applications. Among its features are as follows (there are a total of 40 features):

  • Enabling task manager can not run (disabled)
  • Enable the Registry Editor
  • Enable Folder Options
  • Displays the Run dialog missing
  • Enable command prompt
  • Restore My Computer Properties
  • Restore the Device Manager
  • Boot.ini tab missing from MSCONFOG
  • Error windows right click
  • CD / DVD drive is lost or not recognized
  • Turn Off Icon missing from the Start menu
  • Enable autoplay CD

Very easy to use. Once downloaded, open the zip file it (extract) and run the file lfx.exe. When the mouse in place in one of the buttons, it will display an explanation and more detail the function d bottom. Just click the button to fix windows errors according to the information provided.

In addition to the program meyertakan with graphical interface (GUI = Graphical User Interface), also included qfc.exeE command line application that has 6 features, to improve the Task Manager, Registry Editor, Folder Options, Run dialog, My Computer properties and can not run a file - fle EXE.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Install Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon from a USB FLASH

For those who want to install Ubuntu 7.10 without a CD-ROM can use a USB FLASH as an alternative, a prerequisite PC must support booting from a USB port and USB flash with a minimum capacity of 1 GB.

To create a bootable USB could be in need syslinux bootable maker or other software, I use syslinux to make a bootable USB because the application already exists direpository Ubuntu.

Syslinux to install the application on Ubuntu can be done directly from the terminal console:

$ Sudo apt-get install syslinux mtools

After the installation process is complete and then mount the USB, there is usually a USB partition on / dev / sdb or / dev/sda1, and the mounting media in the folder with the usb the folder name or the name of USB label, to see a USB hard disk and partition can be a way:

$ Sudo fdisk-l

to create can be as Flsh USB with syslinux bootable enough of this type the command in the terminal console

$ Sudo syslinux-s / dev/sda1

then copy all the files on the Live CD Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy Ribbon" into the USB

$ Sudo cp-rp / media / cdrom / * / dev/sda1

After the file copy process is complete, rename the folder isolinux to syslinux, syslinux folder in the file name change became isolinux.bin and isolinux.cfg syslinux.bin and syslinux.cfg

When the Windows download files from the syslinux

Then extract into the directory C with syslinux name. At the command prompt windows go into the directory c \: syslinux \ win32, use the following command to create a bootable usb disk can: syslinux-s F: (assuming the usb drive in F), then copy all the files in the Ubuntu 7.10 Live CD into the USB , we recommend using the command:

xcopy / e / h / k d: \ *.* f: (D as a CD-ROM)

Next USB FLASH already can be used as penganti Ribbon Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Live CD.

Your Windows shutdown Automatically

You never listen to music through your computer until you fall asleep? Or you've watched TV through the TV tuner to fall asleep and stay on your computer while you sleep? This is in addition to making your PC work continuously will also make your electric bill swells!

Jgn worry, I'll teach you some tricks to prevent it, without installing any software you can do it with ease, let's get started:

1. Click Start> Run or press window + r windows

2. Type: tsshutdn XX / powerdown
NB: XX = time you want in seconds

Suppose you want to install the timer for 1 hour, then you live typing tsshutdn 3600 / powerdown

3. If so, click OK, a confirmation window will appear with the message:
"System is shuting down in 3600 seconds"

4. Click OK on the pop up window

5. Yg Minize DOS window appears (not a DOS window in CLOSE. If the CLOSE the timer will not work)

Tricks Multi Login ID in Yahoo Messenger 8

If you want to login with some ID at 8 at the same YM ya no trick:
  1. Start menu>> run>> type 'regedit'
  2. My Computer>> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>> Software>> Yahoo>> Pager>> Test
  3. After logging in the registry folder 'Test'>> right click "New DWORD value '>> then rename the Plural
  4. Right click plural td>> modify>> valuedata content with numbers other than 0, eg 1 (binary digits, 0 and 1).
  5. View>> Refresh
  6. Then run your YM 8
Go YM aja yg whatever you want, highlight adequate RAM ...

Trik Download Rapidshare

Most of the files contained in this pusatgratis in rapidshare server that is hosting the file server is the largest and most popular in the world. Rapidshare premium accounts provided accounts free and allows users to download files.

If you have a rapidshare premium account is not a problem to download a variety of file you want. But if you do not have premium account or in the sense that you download as a free user, then you will experience a variety of restrictions in downloading files from rapidshare, among others you'll only be allowed to download one file in a certain period of time, you have to wait a few seconds (waiting time) displayed before the download button and download speed limits.

But it turns out rapidshare limits can we avoid if we understand how to download and tricks tricks to outsmart rapidshare. To make it easier and more comfortable for those of you who want to download files in pusatgratis from rapidshare, then we show you the following tricks to outsmart rapidshare download and we have found from many sources for your download process quick and convenient:
1. Accelerate download rapidshare Rapidshare leecher Site Use

The easiest way to download from rapidshare is to use the site - the site rapidshare leecher. By using this site you rapidshare leecher can download as premium user. You only need mencopy your rapidshare download link in the field provided and click the download / get the premium link, then you can download it with maximum speed like premium user.

You can search the various sites that provide rapidshare leech service by typing "rapid leech", or "rapidshare leecher", or "leech rapidshare" in google search engine. But because the average - average rapidshare leech site did not last long, then you should be diligent - diligent search leech sites that are still active and can be used. One of the saai leech sites are still active and can be used as a which allow you to download rapidshare files up to 150 mb.

This leech sites also sometimes limit you to download some files only in a certain period, but of course you can outsmart this leech sites by using a proxy: P

2. Eliminating rapidshare waiting time is boring

Indeed these tricks are old tricks we found from the site, but it never hurts you to try. The trick is to please you paste the rapidshare download link in your browser mozilla firefox. Then select free user. When he appeared seconds waiting time countdown, you paste the code "javascript: alert (c = 0)" (without the quotes) into your browser. If you succeed then the waiting time will be 0 and will immediately get out your file download button. Several times we tried this trick a few times and also we managed to trick a few times this also fails. but what's wrong to try:)

3. Download many files without having to wait for a boring time interval between download

Trick 1

If you have downloaded the file and want to download again, it usually will memblock rapidshare and give the information that we have to wait a few minutes before downloading again. This is because due to our IP has been recorded by rapidshare. That we can hinfari following manner:

  1. Copy the rapidshare links you want to download
  2. Click Start> Run> and type CMD
  3. after the command prompt appears, type one by one the following commands:
ipconfig / flushdns

ipconfig / release

ipconfig / renew


3. open and clear the browser cache and cookies

4. Paste had a rapidshare link and please download again as much.

5. Repeat this trick if you want to download files from rapidshare without waiting for the lag time between downloads.

Rata Penuh

other than the above command, you can also use the following command to step - the same steps as above:

@ echo off
echo ipconfig / flushdns
ipconfig / flushdns
echo ipconfig / release
ipconfig / release
echo ipconfig / renew
ipconfig / renew


  1. This trick only applies to users dynamic IP packet such as speedy 50-hour or 1 GB packages, and can not be used for static IP users such as speedy unlimited
  2. The command ipconfig / flushdns to clear the cookies used public IP is recorded in the router / ISP you
  3. The command ipconfig / release is used to remove the use of your public ip
  4. The command ipconfig / renew is used to re-use public ip which will be mistaken for a server to a different ip.
Trick 2

Using a free proxy
  1. You can use a free proxy which can be found on proxy4free
  2. You select a proxy and the port you want to use
  3. Open mozilla> click tools> options> advanced tab> click the Network sub-tab> click settings
  4. Change no proxy to manual proxy configuration and enter the port and its proxy in the space provided
  5. check mark "use this proxy server for all protokols"
  6. Click ok, then clear your cache and cookies and please download again. You have to change - change the proxy every time the download if you do not want to wait for the lag time between the download so long and tedious

4. Outsmart the blocknya rapidshare site in the office or your environment.

Rapidshare is a file-sharing site's largest and most comprehensive to make the block rapidshare sometimes in places - public places to save bandwidth and prevent suction bandwidth for downloading from rapidshare. Places - places that usually memblock rapidshare sites including offices, educational locations such as schools and campuses and locations - other public locations.

If you surf the place is a great place, including blocking access to the rapidshare site, do not worry because there are special tricks to overcome and outsmart. Here we will describe these tricks to you:
  1. Open your mozilla firefox browser.
  2. Download and install the add on download rapidshare @ office here
  3. for the download and install the add on that then you are required to register on the official mozilla site first, but you do not need to worry because the registration process very easy and of course Best:)
  4. After you install the add on that, then you are able to surf to sites that have rapidshare blocked by your network administrator.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Shows the number of windows version (build) on your desktop

be there simple tricks we can do on windows operating system. Tersebutyang Tricks This will be presented below is one of the other tricks srderhana. Trick is shows the number of versions of Windows (build number) you are on the desktop.

To do first tersebutpertama into registry editor by entering command "regedit" in windows "run". The window can be raised by way of click "run" on the start menu. After windows "registry editor" appears the key input "HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ controlpanel \ Desktop". on the right window of the registry editor look for "PaintDesktopVersion".

Make changes to this section by double clicking "PaintDesktopVersion". Stroke dialog box next to "Edit DWORD Value", exactly in the "Value data" input value "1". Press the button "ok", then close the window "Registry Editor. Then restart your computer.

What if the above steps you have done, now the lower right corner of your desktop will appear the windows version number.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

4 Free Software Record Summary screen (Screen Recording)

Currently, quite a lot of tutorial (learn how) things about the computer that is displayed in video format. All events recorded in the computer screen, including voice (audio), which then results can be stored and viewed the video, as usual, making it easier for others to learn.

The process of recording activity on a computer screen is often known by the term Screen Recording. How do we make such a video? Next dijeaskan about 4 free program (freeware) to record screen activity (screen recording).

1. CamStudio

This is one of the opensource software that is quite popular and may be best in class. Website is authorized This software will record screen activity, including audio. Use is also quite easy beside a simple interface. Video format that the AVI is the standard.

CamStudio following some of the features include:

* Record all screen display, a certain area
* Capable of displaying cursor with colors / signs that differ
* You can record audio from speakers or microfone, with the format / quality that can be arranged
* The result may be in the conversion to SWF (Flash Video)
* Resource computer required low
* Facilities AutoPan to automatically record a specific area in accordance with the position of the cursor (Mouse pointer), which can set the speed.
* Many of the features can be accessed with the Keyboard Shortcut (HotKey)
* Screen Annotations, to provide text information on a video produced
* Equipped with CamStudio Player to run the rekamannya

2. Jing
Jing is an application that is made by TechSmith, SnagIt, and the CamTasio Studio. This program can be lite version (summary) because both programs have two features of the Capture Image (PNG) and also a Screen Recording generate SWF video format.

If you want to menfokuskan video for the web site (in SWF format), this program may be good enough, besides we can also result in the address which provides free space up to 2 GB.

However, to use this application, we must join (sign up) to, so it requires an internet connection. Although the size of the application is only about 4.9 MB, but we need to have Microsoft. NET Framework 3.0, which is approximately 50 MB in size (for windows XP, down). For Windows Vista are included. NET Framework 3.0.

Download more information and

3. Free Screen Recorder
This program is a program that may have the most small size (only about 592 KB) and able to record activity on the screen, including audio (voice) and the resulting standard AVI video format.

Following features more Free Screen Recorder:

* Record screen activity, including audio (voice)
* Available HotKey to record, Pause and stop recording
* Record a particular area or all the display windows
* Setting the video, including video codec, framerate, audio codec and frequency.
* Mouse activity can be shown / hidden
* Interface as simple as CamStudio
* The installation file size small (about 592 KB)

Download information

2. TipCam
Like previous programs, TipCam able to record all screen windows or only a certain area. Views this application may be slightly different from the previous programs, and may be initially a little difficult in the setting.

Some features TipCam

* Record screen activities, including video / film running
* Share results in a video or upload to youtube
* Record format into AVI or FLV
* Display when recording a minibar
* Pan Facility (the cursor), zoom
* Adding a hand or a picture with the cursor
* Ability to run FLV file (flash video)
* Cut the beginning or end of a video produced.

Information and Download
Software from the four above, I have attempted and successful and is CamStudio Free Screen Recorder. TipCam several times to try is not successful. there seems to be a problem with the video driver. While Jing, after the installation process required to create a new account (login), then I do not continue, because of how making the run must be logged in first. Besides Jing focus seems to make a video for distribution through web browser.

from ebsoft

License Free Avira Antivir and Premium Security Suite

I never get information on how to get a license Avira Antivir Premium for 3 months. But at this time has expired. Just have a friend who tells you the free license promotion Avira Antivir and Avira Antivir Premium Security Suite for 3 months.

Although only 3 months, but no one in use, considering Avira Antivirus including one with the ability to detect which is good. Then there is the premium version and security suites, including the free edition? Next more

Differences Avira Antivir Personal (Free Antivirus), Premium Edition, and Security Suite

Avira Antivir Personal – Free Antivirus

  • AntiVir protection against viruses, worms and Trojans
  • AntiDialer protection against expensive dialers
  • AntiRootkit protection against hidden rootkits
  • Faster Scanning up to 20% faster
  • New User Interface
  • AntiPhishing protection against phishing

Avira Antivir Premium
Semua fitur Avira Antivir Personal diatas ditambah fitur sebagai berikut :

  • AntiSpyware protection against spyware and adware
  • WebGuard protection against malicious websites
  • AntiDrive-by stops malware downloads while surfing
  • RescueSystem creates a bootable rescue CD
  • Enhanced email protection for POP3 and SMTP
  • Fast Premium update server

Avira Antivir Security Suite
Semua fitur Avira Premium, ditambah fitur sebagai berikut :

  • AntiSpam filters out unwanted and phishing emails
  • FireWall protection against hackers
  • GameMode uninterrupted game play
  • Backup-System saves your important data
  • AntiBot prevents dangerous bot networks
Where to get it?

Promotions Free License Avira Antivir Premium for 3 months
https: / / id = 5xJVVxx5Os

Promotions Licensing free Avira Antivir Security Suite for 3 months
https: / /

Just fill in the form Salutation, First Name, Last Name, Email address and Country. If the email has been used, then use another email. After all the contents, then click "Request License Now", then the license will be dikirm to the email that is written above.

If you do not want to open the email, we can directly download the license (HBEDV.KEY), after click on Request. Or, open the My Account> Overview License. This license will be used when we install or Avira Premium Security Suite (according to the previously selected)

Thanks to Andzz (, which has provided this information.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Fast Internet access with a modem (GSM) Huawei E220

Needs access to the internet that the more important and more people in need, the telecommunication service providers have started offering cheap internet access, either based on time, until the Quota Unlimited. If previously developed based on CDMA, GSM at this time also began to develop.

But to access the Internet, and buy card GSM / CDMA is not enough. Still need a modem via either HP or a special modem. One particular a GSM modem is a Huawei E220, which is capable of handling up to 7.2 Mbps bandwidth.

Huawei E220 Modem with a USB interface (USB modem) that allows for mengakes internet wirelessly (wireless) using the telephone network selluler 3.5G, 3G, or 2G that has started many scattered in Indonesia. This modem supports UMTS (including HSDPA), EDGE, GPRS and GSM.

Technology with HSDPA (3.5G), enables Internet connection up to 3.6 Mbps, UMTS (3G) allows Internet connection up to 384 kbps, EDGE (GPRS) up to a maximum of 236.8 kbps. Modem itself with the firmware (internal software) able to serve an internet connection to 7.2 Mbps.

Key Features

  • HSDPA (3.5G) data packet transmission with a maximum of 3.6 Mbps
  • UMTS (3G) packet data transmission with a maximum of 384 kbps
  • EDGE (EGPRS) packet data transmission with a maximum of 236.8 kbps
  • SMS service
  • Auto installation, suitable for Windows 2000 and Windows XP (also can run on Linux, since Linux Kernel 2.6.20 and Vista)

If you are in the big cities that have affordable 3G or 3.5G, it can optimize the speed of access, according to the speed of telecommunications provider or a package taken. If no, then can use the GPRS access with speeds around 54 kbps.

Modem 21 is released since June 2006. Although, according to the official website that the Huawei modem is only intended for Windows 2000/XP, but based on the article in wikipedia, also have support for Linux and Vista.

Modem driver is already included in the modem itself, so that when the purchase may not be accompanied by a CD. Huawei E220 has 22 MB internal memory (10 MB version) in the CDFS (Virtual CD-ROM), so it can be directly accessed with Win 2000/XP and will be considered (virtualisasikan) as a CD-ROM. With the CDFS file system, we do not need to worry the virus will be exposed, removed or altered, because the files are only readable (read only), as well as data on the CD-ROM.

To support that is always updated, then the modem can be in Flash (as well as the computer BIOS). Firmware Update and is available on the website Huawei

In addition to E220 actually have some other products from Huawei, but it seems that many circulating at this time is this type. In addition because the price is relatively cheaper than the USB Modem GSM other kind.

This is what the modem?

When this article was written, the modem price is about $ 90. In Jogja itself, prices vary, there is a $ 87 - $ 95.


Change Partition Magic Free with Easeus Partition Manager

For those who never / often utak especial Hardisk certainly not foreign to the Partition Magic program, software for memory-disk partition easily. At this time (actually quite old already) have a free alternative that does not quite feature. Easeus Partition Manager Home Edition, which just released the latest version. Appearance was similar to partition magic.

This new version (Easeus Partition Manager Home Edition 3.0), add new features, namely the Wizard Disk Copy, Copy Partition Wizard to protect data and support the hard drive size of the TG 1.5. Next more.

Main features Easeus Partition Manager

  • Changing the partition size (Resize) without the data. To reduce the size of the partition, it must have empty space, and to enlarge the partition, then there must be an empty space on the partition of disampingnya.
  • Disk Copy, the new features in version 3.0. This facility useful if we want to change the size of a small hard drive to a new hard drive size is greater, without installing the operating system and applications that are therein. Supports copy sector by sector, and also copy file by file. Copy a file by file akan much faster than the sector by sector. This feature can be djalankan new disk size if greater or equal to the old hard drive you want copied. If size is greater, the rest can follow in the format. Info full Disk Copy
  • Copy Partition, this feature is almost the same as Disk Copy, only for one partition, not the entire hard drive.
  • Create and delete partitions with simple step. To create a partition, right-click an empty space (not allocated) and choose Create. To delete a partition (the data will be lost), also through the right-click menu.
  • Hide partition and re Menampikan the hidden partition. this facility useful if we want to partition is not displayed (to prevent access to certain parties). Click again to show a hidden hard drive and select Unhide. To memanfaatkanfitur this, then use the password in the Program (General> Set Password).
  • Formatting a hard drive partition.

In addition to the main features, the software supports Windows 2000/XP/Vista. Can be used to Flashdisk, Hardisk PATA, SATA, STA II, SCSI, S-SATA Raid and other. As also been mentioned in the previous article (Fix Hard Disk with Bad Sector) This software can be used to improve the hardisk bad sector affected (the software, not physically damaged).
The source of the article

Saturday, May 23, 2009

UBCD for Windows version was 3:22 in the Release

One of the best tools to eradicate the virus, analyze, and improve the recovery system is a computer UBCD for Windows. And released after the previous version of 3:20, at this time UBCD for Windows have released a new version, the version that is 3:22. Of the various additional facilities and improvements (update) is quite a lot.

With the ability to booting from the CD-ROM, and various facilities provided, from the Anti Virus, antispyware, disk tools, Registry, Password tools, Recovery, CD Burning and other, with a window-based display, certainly is a distinctive advantage. And what additional improvements in this version?

Following changes (improvements and additional facilities) on the UBCD for Windows version 3:22:

  • Additional menu Booting Grup4DOS
  • Support UBUSB, with this feature is likely UBCD for Windows can be installed in Flahsdisk (USB Device), a very interesting facility. I have not try it out. But it was stated that the USB is too slow to UBCD4WinBuilder program, and can cause failure when making them.
  • VB + + 2005 Runtime, in need of some programs.
  • is already running. At the 3:20 version if you want to detect the USB, it must be installed before booting to the CD.
  • All Antivirus and Anti spyware definition updates on the date of 9 November 2008.
  • Update various software / programs with the latest version, namely: A-Squared, Auslogic DiskDefrag, AVG Free 7.5, CCleaner, CPU-Z, Defragger, DiskImg, DriveImage, Eraser, ExpressBurn, filezilla, Firefox 3.0.3, Foxit Reader, Free Commander, HijackThis, IDSuite, ImgBurn, IPSniffer, memtest, Notepad + +, nPOPuk, Opera, Recuva, RunScanner, SpeedFan, Spybot S & D, Stinger, Super antispyware, SysInfo, TestDisk, TrueCrypt, Unstoppable Copier, WUL, xplorer, VistaRD, and PE2USB.
  • Additional software GPU-Z, in order to detect detail VGA is used.
  • UBCD for windows on the computer and the problems that can be run anywhere (of course this will need to access / internet connection is reliable)
One of the best tools I Avira Personal Antivirus is because the antivirus is included, in addition to the ability to detect the virus is good, Avira in UBCD for Windows can be updated through the flash (manual update) and also seem to be online (my own I have not tried online).

Details about the various tools that are included and an explanation of each can be viewed here:
To download, you can select different locations (mirrors) that are available here (256 MB)

For which there is no connection / internet access fast enough, may be having difficulties downloading UBCD For Windows, because the size around 256 MB. So make sure search for an internet connection (cafe) that have access to fast enough to download this program. In addition to creating a UBCD for Windows Bootable CD, CD required Installasi Windows XP or Windows Server 2003. On the steps can be read in my previous article about How to Create Bootable CD UBCD4Win (

Help, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for Beginners

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is now possible for the foreigner does not have anymore, but for a new beginning-the beginning of the Internet world (like me) may still not very familiar with SEO. Well to make it easier to know and learn SEO, SEO master one of the world have made the instructions for us. Who else if not Google, which recently authorized through Webmaster Central blog has published a tutorial on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Starter Guide. Following translation / summary of free

PDF documents can be downloaded from the google blog, and initially not to be published to the public, only for the internal, but also in the public release. Because it does not contain the secret-a secret SEO Google, but even so, this document is important enough for beginners, to optimize your web site / blog kita. SEO can be said a little ways to modify a part of our website, so that the strong influence to the users (readers) and performance in search engines such as Google, yahoo etc.. When successful mengoptimalisasi our website, then when a user searches for keywords, the website can appear in the results of early, so that the possibility opened by our website visitors to the greater.

Google says, though these instructions to optimize the search engines, but still suggest that a more important goal is for visitors to our website, so stay focused when writing for the visitors who take advantage or our website.

Here are some important point of the document are:
1. Create a page title (Title) Unique and precise

Title is located on the web page meta tags which is in between the tags . If we show any posts on search engines, then the title of which is in between the title tag will be in the title of search results.

Practical guidance for the definition title tag:
  • Describe accurately the content or the content page. Avoid titles that are not related to the content and use a title such as "Untilted" or "New Page 1" etc.
  • Create a unique title for each page, so make with the other pages.
  • Create a description of a clear and informative. If too long, Google will only display the part. So please do not subtract too long and the words do not matter.
2. Take advantage of (a) in the meta description tag "Description"
Description of a page, or provide summary information to Google and other search engines about whether the content of the page. This meta tag bisanya under the title, with examples of HTML code as follows:

Google may also use as a snippet of information, although google may also use in other parts of the page tesebut, such as the description on the web site Open Directory Project. Can be read on mengoptimalisasi meta tags "description" here is improving with snippets better description meta tags
Practical guidance for meta tag "Description"
  • Please be accurate summary document. Avoid tulisa such as:
  1. description that is not related to the content
  2. use the general description such as "This is a webpage" or "Page about baseball cards"
  3. only with the keyword (keywords)
  4. Copy and paste the entire contents of the document
  • Create a unique description for each page
3. Improve the structure of our website URL
By creating a good structure, not only simplify organize our website, but can also produce crawling by search engine better.
[On WordPress and the other, this structure is known as Permalink term, which can be arranged through the administrator page. Selengkpanya can also be read here Some tips after installing wordpress]

Petujuk practical to make the URL structure
  • Use the word in the URL, as this more user friendly to the user. Avoid:
  1. The structure that is too long
  2. words such as "page1.html"
  3. excessive keyword (repeated many times)
  • Create a simple structure. Avoid:
  1. too in the structure, eg dir1/dir2/dir3/dir4/dir5/dir6/page.html
  2. the name that is not related to the content
  • Provide a URL to go to the document. Avoid:
  1. Having the domain and sub domain (eg / page.htm and / page.htm) that access to the same page
  2. Combining the version of the URL www. and non-www. in the internal link structure.
  3. Using capital letters
4. Create a site so easy to us in terms of Navigation
Navigation important website to help visitors quickly find the desired content. It also helps search engines understand what the important content from the web. Although results of google search provided up to the last level, but Google also considers the overall picture is.

One way to facilitate the search engine is to add XML Sitemap.
5. Content and offer a quality service
Practical guidance for content:
  • Write the text easy to read (easy-to-read)
  • Stay focused on the topics covered. If tulisa long, then split with the subtitles, the separator layout akan better.
  • Use language that is relevant.
  • Create content that is unique and quite new, so avoid the copy paste.
  • Create content that is focused for the user, not for search engines.
6. Write the text "Anchor" is better
Anchor text is that you can click on, the user views, which are placed between the HTML code and .

Anchor with a better, easier for the user and also for the search engines understand what a page in the link.
Practical guidance for Anchor
  • Choose a descriptive text. Avoid:
  1. common words such as "page", "article", "click here" etc.
  2. words that are not related to the link
  3. is the URL of the page (for most cases)
  • Write a concise text. Avoid the anchor for a long, even up to one paragraph.
  • Format a link so easy in the knowledge, distinguish between normal text and links.
  • Think about the anchor text that link to internal page we, as this also helps users and google to better navigate the web.
7. Use heading tags rightly
Heading tags are HTML tags that are used for the title or sub
titles, ranging from


. is the most important and decreased
kepentingannyan level until

8. Optimize the use of Image (picture)
One is to optimize the image with a description of the attribute "alt", this can be useful if the image does not appear, then there will be information / description of what tetnag image.

9. Efektifkan the use of robots.txt
Robots.txt file is a file that is intended for search engine whether they allowed mengakes or crawl certain pages of our website. This file is placed in the root directory our website. For example

10. Understand the attribute "nofollow" for links
Set the value of the attribute "rel" with the "nofollow" will be to say that the google link that can not be written in the follow by google (does not affect the reputation of the link). If you'd like the link does not intend to increase the reputation of the address link, then use nofollow.
11. Promote the web in a way that properly

Some practical guidance to promote the website:
  • Create a blog about the content or services that are new.
  • Offline promotion
  • Knowing about the social media sites ..
  • If the form of business, add in Google's Local Business Center
  • Follow to the community related to the theme of our site
12. Take advantage of the features Google Webmaster Tools
Search Engines such as google's, provide free tools for webmasters, Google Webmaster Tools that help managers to control the web with google how to better interact with our website. This tool helps to analyze the various problems we are going. Besides Google and Yahoo also offer Microsof the same, namely Yahoo! Site Explorer and Live Search Webmaster Tools.

More information can also read this article in order Tips web / blog terindex with us either by Google

13. Take advantage of the Web Analytics service
To analyze web visitor traffic, the facility can be used such as google Google Analytics.

For more information, download the PDF document Jump Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide, which describes more detail about this, in 22 sheets (Translated and summarized independently by Ebta Setiawan)