Saturday, May 23, 2009

Check the rift in the computer security program with Secunia PSI

With so many software / programs that install on the computer, sometimes we are less concerned about the security of software. Because we may not know which program that allows security to be slit. One way this is the case with software-update the software used, but this may be making. How easy it is?
Secunia, one of the websites in the field of security, has provided free software to facilitate the user to check various security rift that may occur from many different software or programs that are installed on the computer. And on 25 November 2008 yesterday, after a journey through a very long time they release a final version of this software, the Secunia PSI (Personal Software Inspector).

Main features of what Secunia PSI?

General, Secunia PSI works examine various software (programs) that are installed in the computer security of the rift, the latest version (update), a program that allows security appear slit. More below:
  • Scan, scan to make the programs in the computer
  • Insecure Program, the program provides information that "less safe" and to provide information: a link or download the latest program the solution, add / remove programs, online reference, detail, and so forth.
  • End of Life, provides information on programs that do not support more vendor by the author. Along with the download link for the latest version or uninstall.
  • Patched, provide program information detected, but does not have any known security update (so may not require more attention)
  • Overview, provides information (general description) in the condition of the computer after the scan.
In addition, Secunia also check the Web browser plugins such as the Adobe Flash Player Adobe Acrobat Reader, Quick Time, and others.

At ZDNet, Secunia PSI included in the 10 Essential security tools, and in order no.1 in free software. So try and feasible in the collection. Application size is only around 521 KB and can be run on the platform Windows 2000, XP 32/64bit, and Vista 32/64bit. In order to run (Scan) then need to connect the internet. So if you use offline software will not be much useful.

Where is the Download this software?
Can be obtained through site. Download Secunia PSI

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