Wednesday, September 18, 2013

How to break passwords and solutions just went

Today called hackers or crackers who get creative , in many ways they are trying to penetrate your email ,
  1. facebook , online account wesite , even blogs . you do not want it someday klalu andadi facebook profile changed person ?
  2. or website suddenly changed zoom by hacker / crakers ?
  3. one of the ways hackers penetrated our acoubt is to shoot a password . hakers using a script that can be enter dozens of passwords per second for trying to break into your account . how hackers to guess your password , among others with the following:
  4. Brute force attack , by trying all kombinasu , ranging from aaaa to zzzz , until a few characters .
  5. dictionary attack , by guessing using the word in a dictionary , and combined with a lot of numbers or character .
  6. personal information attack , many by entering personal data such as phone numbers , date of birth , postcode boyfriend's name , and so on very weak password would be very easy in this way hackers breached . example of a very weak passwords such as :  123456 , qwerty , asdf , is as easy to type this combination on the keyboard .password , mypassword , and others who use the word in the dictionary .date of birth , the name of a girlfriend , and the other is the data that person .Weak passwords can be broken dalah quick time , for example : using all lowercase letters .
  7. using a combination of words and numbers , for example buku10 , makan25 .
  8. replacing letters with characters , for example c1nt4

how to create strong passwords and impenetrable hackers ?is a combination of hurufbesar , lowercase letters , numbers and characters .more than 10 characters long .does not include words in a dictionary .Strong passwords should be easily remembered by their owners . examples of strong passwords : 1mAu $ 100ribumenggingatnya ways :1 word translated in english ( I) .MAU = want$ = Money100ribu = 100 thousandsome tips related to the theft of passwords are as follows :1 . Do not use the same password for various services , such as your email password is the same as the password facebook . this will result in :someone who can break you , can also break the password Emailopens . Temporal eyes of hackers to break the passwordfacebook is easier than to break the password yahoo email .admin facebook knows your password , he can also enter the password to your email .2 . Do not click the link ei email stating you have to verify your password . This email is sent by a hacker .3 . enter a password in addition to providing layanan.Misalnya do not enter a password on the site facebook yahoo for any reason ( eg import address book )4 . before login to the email or another , surely correct URL in your broser . For example open - or yahoo - or the other .5 . for online accounts such as e -gold , click BCA , paypal , you should not type your password via the keyboardbecause hackers can read your keyborad with a keylogger program . use the On Screen Keyboard , Charakter folder , or copy paste from random letters

news sources from :Andri Kristanto

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