Why snap facility is very disturbing preview of your website visitors, I noticed the following things that cause me to feel disturbed by the snap preview:
- Thumbnail appears without any control from the user. suddenly appear when we move the mouse and accidentally were on a link that does not want us to open.
- Thumbnails are not shown up so help me to capture the purpose of the page. Perhaps because the text or small images, so the content becomes blurred.
- There is no option for visitors to disable or remove this facility when visiting a website.
- Kalo snap instead of a preview made will disturb the page. Because we really want to focus on our pages are open.
For that I am trying to find in the wordpress settings on how to remove or disable Snap preview on wordpress blog. And I found it in the Presentation or Design on a new version of wordpress.
Here are the steps you can take to disable Snap preview on wordpress blog:
- Go to your Wordpress admin pages.
- Then search Presentation> Extras or to a new version of wordpress you can find this menu in the Design> Extras.
- Uncheck the option "Enable Snap Shots on this blog"
- Then press the "Update Extras"
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