Thursday, December 24, 2009

Crack Free Premium rapid share

Here is how to earn money from internet and how u can buy a account from Rs
Free Rapidshare account and to earn money 100% Working

Free Rapidshare account and to earn money
Yes People this really works
Just follow these steps
1)Skip this step if u already own a paypal account Go to
and sign up
Create a paypal premier account (this is for free)

When asked to give credit card details click on CANCEL

2)Now,Go to

Copy this links one by one in your browser....

And register.
You'll be paid just to click on their ads.
The more you click the more you earn.

How You Make Money
You make money by simply visiting websites for at least 30 seconds/visit. We will pay you $0.01 for each website you visit and $0.01 for each website your referrals visit. The best part is you can have an unlimited amount of referrals! To keep AdBux from getting top-heavy you will only earn money from those that you directly refer. This gives everyone who participates in the program a fair advantage to earn the most amount of money because you have the potential to earn more than your sponsor! Payments are issued via PayPal on a daily basis but you must request for a payment to be processed. Once requested, your payment will be issued within 24-48 hours (usually sooner). You must earn at least $10 to receive payment.

3) Finally, use this money to get your own RAPIDSHARE PREMIUM ACCOUNT

4) You could even use this money for other online shopping on e-bay or on any other sites.

.....I know the procedure is very tedious and lengthy. But I guarantee that you will succeed in your goal...
Please be patient

--or you can singup to International Offers

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Fix Error 40 windows with XP Quick Fix Plus

There are so many free programs to fix windows and restore the common mistakes that often occur in Windows XP. But there are times when we just want to correct one error windows with just one click, such as restore the Task Manager or Registry Editor.

For that, we can use this freeware, XP Quick Fix Plus.

Quick Fix XP Plus is a small program and portable (no need to install) that serves to correct the error (error) occurs commonly in windows XP. This program has a simple display, making it very easy to use. Included 40 functions to correct common errors that often occur.

Program size is only around 584 KB is practical enough to be included in the flash and used as standard applications. Among its features are as follows (there are a total of 40 features):

  • Enabling task manager can not run (disabled)
  • Enable the Registry Editor
  • Enable Folder Options
  • Displays the Run dialog missing
  • Enable command prompt
  • Restore My Computer Properties
  • Restore the Device Manager
  • Boot.ini tab missing from MSCONFOG
  • Error windows right click
  • CD / DVD drive is lost or not recognized
  • Turn Off Icon missing from the Start menu
  • Enable autoplay CD

Very easy to use. Once downloaded, open the zip file it (extract) and run the file lfx.exe. When the mouse in place in one of the buttons, it will display an explanation and more detail the function d bottom. Just click the button to fix windows errors according to the information provided.

In addition to the program meyertakan with graphical interface (GUI = Graphical User Interface), also included qfc.exeE command line application that has 6 features, to improve the Task Manager, Registry Editor, Folder Options, Run dialog, My Computer properties and can not run a file - fle EXE.

Changes scheme Avira antivirus updates (faster)

Currently, Avira Antivirus is one of the best antivirus, especially for categories of freeware (free). One advantage is the ability to detect a virus that usually occupy the top rankings (see several articles about antivirus tests). Nevertheless Antivirus updates must be regularly performed.

Avira which provides both an online update (automatic update) or offline (manual update) has recently changed the scheme of his antivirus updates.

Previous Update Avira for about 26 MB consists of 4 files (called VDF files), which is antivir0.vdf, antivir1.vdf, antivir2.vdf and antivir3.vdf. For this version 9, Update Avira registration is divided into 32 files, start vbase000.vdf, vbase001.vdf ... vbase031.vdf. Vbase000.vdf file will have the greatest size, around 19 MB, and subsequent files are much smaller.

The existence of these files can be viewed at Avira installation folder, ie C: \ Program Files \ Avira \ AntiVir Desktop. If the folder does not yet exist, so Avira not updated with 9 new scheme.

Changes this update scheme applies only to Avira version 9, either version Free personal, Premium, Internet security, Professional, Server and other products (version 8 update scheme is the same as before). These changes aim to make the size smaller updates that improve the speed of update, because the development of increasingly rapid malware.

We have provided two types of VDF file for manual update, the VDF Antivirus Update (for Avira 9) and AntiVir iVDF update (for Avira 8). For Direct Download, right-click the following link and select Save link As ... (rather large size of about 23 MB - 26 MB)

  • Update Avira 9: Download VDF (multiple VDF)
  • Update Avira 8: Download iVDF (container VDF)
For more information or any product on the support, please see the download location More at

After downloading this file, to update the manual process to stay open Avira and open this file via the menu Update> Manual Update. When finished, the next update process should be faster by using the automatic update (with internet connection).
Automatic Update

Automatic updates can be done if our computers connected to the internet. If Avira version 9 is still using the old version update, then the first update process can be done by typing the following command in the Run menu (Start Menu> Run):

C: \ Program Files \ Avira \ AntiVir Desktop \ update.exe / DM = 0 / NOMESSAGEBOX / receivetimeout = 180

For 64 operating system using the following command:

C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Avira \ AntiVir Desktop \ update.exe / DM = 0 / NOMESSAGEBOX / receivetimeout = 180

Automatic Update process the first time will probably require a relatively long time (depending on internet connection). But the next update will be much faster. Furthermore, although the 8 is still supported Avira updates, but it is advisable to use the latest version, especially if you use Avira Free Personal.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Why Drupal?

Comparing with CMS like Drupal Mambo / Joomla, Wordpress, or PHP Nuke like comparing heaven and earth. Wow, sedemikain away? When you first move to Drupal from Joomla is quite difficult to me. Understandably, this time I became a module developer for Simple Board Forum especially for module Last Forum Subject. Also as a core developer for the components that provide the ability Joomblog create a blog on Joomla. As if the great truth Drupal?

All CMS Drupal offers flexibility but offers something more. Several advantages compared to Drupal Mambo / Joomla and WordPress are:

1. Multi Sites. Built-in Drupal supports multiple manufacturing sites, this feature is not present in Joomla or WordPress.

2. Forum. Built-in Drupal has the ability to create forums.

3. Cascading Comment. Built-in Drupal supports multilevel comment (not flat). So easy to read a comment directed at the comment where.

4. Multi-type content. This is a capability built-in Drupal extraordinary. This means you can create a special content type for news, products and articles for example. This really is not just the content type categorization!

5. Cascading Unlimited Category. Joomla only supports level 1 category only, Joomla can not make the next sub-category. Built-in category Drupal achieve unlimited levels!

6. SEO, Drupal websites known for his SEO reliable.

7. A flexible template. How do you change the shape / layout of a form field? Drupal provides a template that is very flexible and easy to learn.

8. Profile. A profile is built-in ability Drupal is awesome, too. You can add fields such as ID card number, address, date of birth and so on when the user fill out the registration form! This capability is not in Joomla or WordPress.

9. Drupal select jQuery JavaScript Library consistently. While Joomla and Wordpress alternated using jQuery and Mootools.

10. The future is not clear at the Mambo / Joomla.

  • Since October 12, 2006, Joomla 1.5 Beta1 released and until October 6, 2007 new entrants 1.5 RC3. So for 1-year-kelar kelar not too!
  • While Drupal 4.7.0 appeared on 1 May 2006 (already includes AJAX features!) And 5.0 on Jan 15, 2007, only months. Even Drupal 6 Beta 1 appears on Sep 15, 2007, and Drupal 6 Beta 2 on 17 Okt2007, just 1 month! And Drupal 6 brings new features of Multi Languages increasingly makes Drupal great.

11. Support Drupal developer in more and more. And not a little good-good move to Drupal Joomla especially in countries where English is not your primary language. This is because the ability to multi languages on Drupal. Even since Drupal 5 for i18n module is the origin of multiple languages on Drupal 6!

12. CCK (Content Creation Kit). This is one of its killer feature Drupal. Just Drupal module provides a practical so that you can create a slide show application, gallery, guest book and even e-commerce with the aid of this CCK! Views module combined with the increasingly easy to serve the needs of Drupal websites can display their own customized by the user without any coding at all!

13. Hook System. API in Drupal using a system hook that proved successful. We can easily inject (hook) something on the specific content Mass. With the system in every element WEIGHT make me easy to position a new element in Drupal!

14. News Aggregator. Built-in RSS feeds is very easy on the Drupal website.

15. User Define Menu. Built-in Drupal has the ability to create new menus and even a story!

Moreover, huh? It was quite partial Drupal skills I mentioned. In short as one former Developer Mambo / Joomla I realized how great is that my Drupal URLs as the heavens and the earth. But, of course in the sky there is heaven!

Install Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon from a USB FLASH

For those who want to install Ubuntu 7.10 without a CD-ROM can use a USB FLASH as an alternative, a prerequisite PC must support booting from a USB port and USB flash with a minimum capacity of 1 GB.

To create a bootable USB could be in need syslinux bootable maker or other software, I use syslinux to make a bootable USB because the application already exists direpository Ubuntu.

Syslinux to install the application on Ubuntu can be done directly from the terminal console:

$ Sudo apt-get install syslinux mtools

After the installation process is complete and then mount the USB, there is usually a USB partition on / dev / sdb or / dev/sda1, and the mounting media in the folder with the usb the folder name or the name of USB label, to see a USB hard disk and partition can be a way:

$ Sudo fdisk-l

to create can be as Flsh USB with syslinux bootable enough of this type the command in the terminal console

$ Sudo syslinux-s / dev/sda1

then copy all the files on the Live CD Ubuntu 7.10 "Gutsy Ribbon" into the USB

$ Sudo cp-rp / media / cdrom / * / dev/sda1

After the file copy process is complete, rename the folder isolinux to syslinux, syslinux folder in the file name change became isolinux.bin and isolinux.cfg syslinux.bin and syslinux.cfg

When the Windows download files from the syslinux

Then extract into the directory C with syslinux name. At the command prompt windows go into the directory c \: syslinux \ win32, use the following command to create a bootable usb disk can: syslinux-s F: (assuming the usb drive in F), then copy all the files in the Ubuntu 7.10 Live CD into the USB , we recommend using the command:

xcopy / e / h / k d: \ *.* f: (D as a CD-ROM)

Next USB FLASH already can be used as penganti Ribbon Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Live CD.

Your Windows shutdown Automatically

You never listen to music through your computer until you fall asleep? Or you've watched TV through the TV tuner to fall asleep and stay on your computer while you sleep? This is in addition to making your PC work continuously will also make your electric bill swells!

Jgn worry, I'll teach you some tricks to prevent it, without installing any software you can do it with ease, let's get started:

1. Click Start> Run or press window + r windows

2. Type: tsshutdn XX / powerdown
NB: XX = time you want in seconds

Suppose you want to install the timer for 1 hour, then you live typing tsshutdn 3600 / powerdown

3. If so, click OK, a confirmation window will appear with the message:
"System is shuting down in 3600 seconds"

4. Click OK on the pop up window

5. Yg Minize DOS window appears (not a DOS window in CLOSE. If the CLOSE the timer will not work)

Tricks Multi Login ID in Yahoo Messenger 8

If you want to login with some ID at 8 at the same YM ya no trick:
  1. Start menu>> run>> type 'regedit'
  2. My Computer>> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>> Software>> Yahoo>> Pager>> Test
  3. After logging in the registry folder 'Test'>> right click "New DWORD value '>> then rename the Plural
  4. Right click plural td>> modify>> valuedata content with numbers other than 0, eg 1 (binary digits, 0 and 1).
  5. View>> Refresh
  6. Then run your YM 8
Go YM aja yg whatever you want, highlight adequate RAM ...

Trik Download Rapidshare

Most of the files contained in this pusatgratis in rapidshare server that is hosting the file server is the largest and most popular in the world. Rapidshare premium accounts provided accounts free and allows users to download files.

If you have a rapidshare premium account is not a problem to download a variety of file you want. But if you do not have premium account or in the sense that you download as a free user, then you will experience a variety of restrictions in downloading files from rapidshare, among others you'll only be allowed to download one file in a certain period of time, you have to wait a few seconds (waiting time) displayed before the download button and download speed limits.

But it turns out rapidshare limits can we avoid if we understand how to download and tricks tricks to outsmart rapidshare. To make it easier and more comfortable for those of you who want to download files in pusatgratis from rapidshare, then we show you the following tricks to outsmart rapidshare download and we have found from many sources for your download process quick and convenient:
1. Accelerate download rapidshare Rapidshare leecher Site Use

The easiest way to download from rapidshare is to use the site - the site rapidshare leecher. By using this site you rapidshare leecher can download as premium user. You only need mencopy your rapidshare download link in the field provided and click the download / get the premium link, then you can download it with maximum speed like premium user.

You can search the various sites that provide rapidshare leech service by typing "rapid leech", or "rapidshare leecher", or "leech rapidshare" in google search engine. But because the average - average rapidshare leech site did not last long, then you should be diligent - diligent search leech sites that are still active and can be used. One of the saai leech sites are still active and can be used as a which allow you to download rapidshare files up to 150 mb.

This leech sites also sometimes limit you to download some files only in a certain period, but of course you can outsmart this leech sites by using a proxy: P

2. Eliminating rapidshare waiting time is boring

Indeed these tricks are old tricks we found from the site, but it never hurts you to try. The trick is to please you paste the rapidshare download link in your browser mozilla firefox. Then select free user. When he appeared seconds waiting time countdown, you paste the code "javascript: alert (c = 0)" (without the quotes) into your browser. If you succeed then the waiting time will be 0 and will immediately get out your file download button. Several times we tried this trick a few times and also we managed to trick a few times this also fails. but what's wrong to try:)

3. Download many files without having to wait for a boring time interval between download

Trick 1

If you have downloaded the file and want to download again, it usually will memblock rapidshare and give the information that we have to wait a few minutes before downloading again. This is because due to our IP has been recorded by rapidshare. That we can hinfari following manner:

  1. Copy the rapidshare links you want to download
  2. Click Start> Run> and type CMD
  3. after the command prompt appears, type one by one the following commands:
ipconfig / flushdns

ipconfig / release

ipconfig / renew


3. open and clear the browser cache and cookies

4. Paste had a rapidshare link and please download again as much.

5. Repeat this trick if you want to download files from rapidshare without waiting for the lag time between downloads.

Rata Penuh

other than the above command, you can also use the following command to step - the same steps as above:

@ echo off
echo ipconfig / flushdns
ipconfig / flushdns
echo ipconfig / release
ipconfig / release
echo ipconfig / renew
ipconfig / renew


  1. This trick only applies to users dynamic IP packet such as speedy 50-hour or 1 GB packages, and can not be used for static IP users such as speedy unlimited
  2. The command ipconfig / flushdns to clear the cookies used public IP is recorded in the router / ISP you
  3. The command ipconfig / release is used to remove the use of your public ip
  4. The command ipconfig / renew is used to re-use public ip which will be mistaken for a server to a different ip.
Trick 2

Using a free proxy
  1. You can use a free proxy which can be found on proxy4free
  2. You select a proxy and the port you want to use
  3. Open mozilla> click tools> options> advanced tab> click the Network sub-tab> click settings
  4. Change no proxy to manual proxy configuration and enter the port and its proxy in the space provided
  5. check mark "use this proxy server for all protokols"
  6. Click ok, then clear your cache and cookies and please download again. You have to change - change the proxy every time the download if you do not want to wait for the lag time between the download so long and tedious

4. Outsmart the blocknya rapidshare site in the office or your environment.

Rapidshare is a file-sharing site's largest and most comprehensive to make the block rapidshare sometimes in places - public places to save bandwidth and prevent suction bandwidth for downloading from rapidshare. Places - places that usually memblock rapidshare sites including offices, educational locations such as schools and campuses and locations - other public locations.

If you surf the place is a great place, including blocking access to the rapidshare site, do not worry because there are special tricks to overcome and outsmart. Here we will describe these tricks to you:
  1. Open your mozilla firefox browser.
  2. Download and install the add on download rapidshare @ office here
  3. for the download and install the add on that then you are required to register on the official mozilla site first, but you do not need to worry because the registration process very easy and of course Best:)
  4. After you install the add on that, then you are able to surf to sites that have rapidshare blocked by your network administrator.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Different text on the tag more links

Learning wordpress. Tag more links are my favorite and I think it must be noted by wordpress based bloggers. This tag serves to cut off the content you post or article on the front page. In the latest wordpress icon we could use more links in a text editor or edit HTML posting and add tag .

more tags link
Normally text used as title or caption of the link is more uniform, which is in accordance with your themes. Syntax more links in your themes are there in the single.php file:

more_text_link is text that is used as a title or caption. strip_teaser to say whether more links shown (FALSE) or not displayed (TRUE) on the front page. more_file to declare details of the file if you want another, if not filled then a link to the article in question.

example of using this syntax in your themes, is as follows:
Read more »');?>

Some settings you can do to beautify and do something special in your blog, such as:
Different text on the tag more links

You may sometime feel bored with the uniform text on each of your posts. By default text shown on the more link is in accordance with your themes. For the example above will display text or the text Read more.

WordPress actually provide flexibility in setting up more text link on each post you. Complete syntax of the tag more link is . So in this tag you can specify text used on the more link. example .
To edit or add tags, you must use the HTML editor, the way by clicking the HTML tab next to the Visual tab. Then add more tags link at the end of the paragraph that you want this link up.

Eliminating teaser on the article
Teaser article text is a fragment which is located before the tag more links. Its function is as a brief description of what will readers get from your article if you read it. Sometimes you want a teaser does not appear again in the article detail page, because of its mubasir to reread.
For that there is a tag that allows teaser does not appear in your article detail page, the tag noteaser. Sintaknya: . This tag is placed after the tag more links.

So use the link tag more help you manage your blog look so more comfortable to be traced. For other settings of this tag, can be read in Customizing the Read More.

Eliminate snap preview on wordpress blog

Articles wordpress. Maybe snap preview is one of the most annoying thing on the web page. What I mean by snap preview is a preview or thumbnail images that appear when you point your mouse or your cursor to a link on that page. This is very disturbing to me and more severity of this facility is the default in wordpress blog.

Why snap facility is very disturbing preview of your website visitors, I noticed the following things that cause me to feel disturbed by the snap preview:
  • Thumbnail appears without any control from the user. suddenly appear when we move the mouse and accidentally were on a link that does not want us to open.
  • Thumbnails are not shown up so help me to capture the purpose of the page. Perhaps because the text or small images, so the content becomes blurred.
  • There is no option for visitors to disable or remove this facility when visiting a website.
  • Kalo snap instead of a preview made will disturb the page. Because we really want to focus on our pages are open.
With so many reasons why I really do not like this, so I tried to remove this facility. because I think in addition to disturbing the user activity is also due to burden your browser.

For that I am trying to find in the wordpress settings on how to remove or disable Snap preview on wordpress blog. And I found it in the Presentation or Design on a new version of wordpress.

Here are the steps you can take to disable Snap preview on wordpress blog:
  • Go to your Wordpress admin pages.
  • Then search Presentation> Extras or to a new version of wordpress you can find this menu in the Design> Extras.
  • Uncheck the option "Enable Snap Shots on this blog"
  • Then press the "Update Extras"
With the steps above then the snap preview will disappear from your wordpress blog. Good luck.

Replace wordpress themes more SEO

Today I was busy looking for a replacement themes for this blog. Actually the idea of replacing the old wordpress themes I have planned, but only had time to change it today. The reason I replaced the old themes, qwilm-03 is because themes are not helping me to do on page seo on this blog.

Although actual themes qwilm-3 itself is very unique appearance. But unfortunately does not have an h1 header and footer. For that I decided to change themes. After long choosing and trying, my choice finally fell to the Personal.

The reason I chose Personal wordpress themes are as follows:
  • Themes are quite accommodating on page seo. Within these themes the site received 80 percent rating for seo.
  • Look quite interesting, although I still think about the change, especially in the header image is too big in my opinion.
  • Themes are integrated with interesting plugins such as: Author Highlight, Comment License, WP-PageNavi, WP-PostRatings and there may be another interesting addition to the plugin.
  • Loading pages too heavy ga.
  • And what is important is these themes for free, basic
There may be other advantages and possible shortcomings as well. I just mengotak-atiknya day. Hopefully no problems. For those of you who want to use personal themes to download on his site.

How to move comments to another post in wordpress

Learning WordPress. sometimes we need to move the comments to other posts or articles in your wordpress blog. The reason is probably because it is more appropriate comment to put in another post. The condition most often by visitors is to give our comments on page article about us we are or may contact us page. Of course, this comment becomes less relevant and may cause confusion other readers.

For that I am trying to find a way to move comments to another post in the wordpress blog. According to an article I read there are 2 ways of manually manipulating the wordpress database and practical ways to use wordpress plugin.

How to manually move the comments to another post

This way I suggest to you who know SQL syntax syntax especially MySQL queries and understand how to access your database through phpMyAdmin or homemade script. The idea is to change the id post a comment on the data we want to move. Here we need to get the post id id old and new posts. Then we also need to get comment id.

After getting komentar_id and posting_id_baru, then run the following query:

UPDATE wp_comments SET posting_id_baru WHERE comment_post_ID = comment_ID = komentar_id;

Does finished up here? Not because wordpress maintain the number of comments on posts automatically written when a new comment. For that we need to manipulate a table of old and new posts. Sintaknya following:
UPDATE wp_posts SET comment_count = comment_count +1 WHERE ID = posting_id_baru;
UPDATE wp_posts SET comment_count, comment_count = 1 WHERE ID = posting_id_lama;
Not complicated enough and this is very dangerous in my opinion done by people who do not understand the system wordpress. Syntax above I run the wordpress version 2.5.1, for other versions you need to adjust the structure of the database version.


How to move comments to another post using plugins

This way more I recommend because it's easier done by anyone and certainly more secure. As usual wordpress plugin designed for manipulating wordpress work. And to move comments to another post there was already providing this plugin. There are at least 2 plugins that can be used in this case, namely:
  1. Wordpress Move Comments: download the plugin folder and then upload to your wordpress blog wp-content/plugins. Then switch on the control panel. After that search Manage menu> Move Comments. In this view you choose the comments which will be moved, and then select the goal post, then click the Submit Query button.
  2. BPD Move comment plugin: download the plugin, upload to wp-content/plugins. Then switch. after the search menu Comments> Move Comments. Select comments will be removed, and then press Bulk Move Checked Comments. After that select posts destination, then press the Move It.
From 2 plugin, I prefer the BPD Move comment plugin for comment list using the navigation page, so if we have thousands of comments do not need to load the entire comment. However, this choice is up to you, its core is a way to move comments to another post in wordpress. Good luck!

How to break into Windows Password

This article is not intended to teach the reader to do evil in a way to break someone else's computer password, but just to remind you, especially for a network administrator or computer users who connect to the network to be careful and be vigilant that the password / your computer is easy on the breaking and taken over by others.
This time the writer uses the method explosits port 135 (DCOMRPC) where the issue since Welcia K W32 virus that attacks the port 135, which in this case, approved by the microsoft (See Microsoft Security Bulletin MS03-026). target of this worm is using the pc IIS 5.0 as windows 2000 / XP.

To shorten how do we break the password on the windows we use kabt Tools can be downloaded here.
Because this process uses worms you should disable your antivirus.
1. Unzip the file
2. Place in a directory you like.
3. Log in to the directory where the files are via text mode
4. Set goals that will be pc hacking missal
If you are successful hacking will appear on the command line roughly follows:

Kabt II - Massive RPC Exploit ff

[+] Target: with 50 Treads
[+] Attacking Port: 135. Remote Shell at port: 36,388
[+] Scan In Progress ......
- Connecting to
Sending Exploit to a [Win2k] Server
- Connectando con la Shell Remote
etc. ........
C: WINNTsystem32>

Means that you have entered into your computer and hack your computer has fully mastered. you can make the user admin to make sharing, etc.
Once again this article just reminded you berhatihatilah in managing your computer network primarily Webmaster.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Selecting Templates

For my friend who had done some of the settings as the previous post, the next steps that need to mate to do is choose a template. Glance is a template template designs web pages or blog and all its components (eg images, stylesheets, etc.) file either static or dynamic files that a program or application running as a web application. As my friend see now, as the banner above, white background, the columns to the right, and all the buddies see now is one form of the template design.

Selecting a beautiful template is necessary, because the view is interesting template for the view it will make the visitors of our blog to be at home for a long time in our blog but of course the content of our blogs are also very supportive. Hmmm .. deh rich enough discussion about what is a template, trigger-bored for long .... Now aja directly to the main topic, namely the selection steps on template:
  • Please login first mate as usual by using the user name belongs to you
  • Click the "Layout" (if the buddy using the new blogger), or click the "Template" (if the buddy using a classic template)
  • Click "Pick New Template", please select the template that my friend likes my friend. Before deciding to select "template" is, you should see the first one at which the sample layout provided a way to click on "preview template". If the taste has to find the most favorite friend, please click on "Save template" which is on the right top, finished. :
Maybe my friend had visited a few blogs on the Internet that use (blogspot), but the template is in use is not in the choice when selecting a template. This is the possibility that the template in the template used was made not from bloggers themselves. On the Internet many sites that provide free templates for use in Blogger (blogspot)

Yahoo and Bing Registration

Approval of the merger, and Yahoo seems to be in the Bing announced at this week (27 July 09), why should they join? He said the hell wants to be a rival Google ...
Why? how? this merger done? asked many questions ..

From these sources said that the merger and yahoo bing done to increase revenue and advertising revenue of their search technology, in order to compete with the dominance of google.

When the writing is made, negotiations between the two of them (microsoft and yahoo) are still going on, negotiations related to the division of revenue from advertising their advertisements later.

Preventing Home Website Published In the Inline Frame

Have you use inline frames to display other web pages? Exciting is not it? However, this fact becomes unpleasant for the owner of the website pages are pages that appear in the frame. For an admin who understand this is certainly very bad, because the use of frames to display other websites without the consent of the parties involved with the theft of data, and of course the other impact is sucked bandwidth would be greater, and others, is bad in the search engine, the black list, because it is considered cheating in SEO path.

So what's the solution?
Actually something like this could be prevented with a simple javascript.
Put the script below on every page you want to protectionism. Very easy.

Script on the duty to detect:
if the url of the page accessed is not the actual url where the page is, then do redirect to the original url.
Okay, so. Good try.

Tutorial files can be downloaded here::

Making Tricks with Image Submit Button

Okay, maybe in the beginning most of the web developer has ever wondered how to make an image a submit button of a form. And these functions are found have been used in some of your favorite Content Management System, joomla for example, when you make a save item, whether it's article, or a product in VirtueMart component utilizing backendnya, there seemed an image that has a function as a submit button. There are 2 tricks that are usually used, first use html tags, and the latter using a simple javascript function.

Yes, we try to advance to the first trick ...
Create a file, call up to you, I call it imgbtn.html, then the contents therein:

name="formulir" action="kirim.php"


Which has its core functions:
make an input with type image.

then, kirim.php file, this file is used to capture what has been sent by imgbtn.html, of course, you must have a web server that has been installed in your pc to try it. But at the end of this article the author provides html demo files from this article.

File kirim.php

You can not use features like hover buttons in this first trick, tag input type = 'image' does not allow you to change the image when the mouse over, or when the mouse out. Recommended changes in image / image when mouse over or mouse out obtained by using the next trick.

Then the final trick, this trick before the development of the tricks. If the first trick that allows only a static image, then the second trick you can install this feature as an image change mouseover or mouseout.

Provide a imgtbn2.html file, containing:

name="formulir" action="kirim.php"


Submit this form

This last trick, using the tag
and utilize diembedkan javascript function.
Core statement:
onclick = "return val_form_this_page ()">
when image is clicked then the return value of the filled in form in the document for later action sent to the target, ie kirim.php.
With this trick

and kirim.php file php file that is to capture the variable that is sent.

So, you can use this trick to use in doing your website development. Thank you.
By: Dwiartara Loka.

This tutorial files can be downloaded here:

Sunday, December 6, 2009 - more like a big truck

Here at Blogger we’re always working to make the site and your blogs faster and more reliable. We want you to think of us as a big truck: able to handle anything you can dump on us.

Tuesday’s election was a good chance to see just how big a truck Blogger actually is, and we’re happy to report that Blogger-hosted blogs, for the most part, held up under the record-setting traffic.

That being said, there were definitely some hiccups (potholes?) along the way. Our favorite political and polling analysis blog,, received an order of magnitude more visitors than the next most visited blog. They also received more than 50 times as many comments as the next most commented-on blog. Unfortunately, this traffic caused some publishing delays for Nate and Sean as well as some intermittent slowness on their site.
After we got word of the trouble, we were able to shift some resources around to keep things running fairly smoothly for the rest of the night. Now that traffic has calmed down, our engineers are hard at work tuning and improving Blogger based on the experience.

We’d like to thank bloggers, commenters, and readers for participating in one of the biggest blogging events ever. Your voices validate what we do, and every day we look forward to making Blogger faster and better for you.

BY John

Improving Our Communication of Blogger Service Interruptions

After a recent service interruption, we started talking about how we could improve our communications about these (hopefully infrequent) issues. Going forward, in the case of significant service interruptions, we plan to publish a post mortem on the Blogger Status blog within 3 business days to provide details about what went wrong and what we're doing to help prevent similar problems in the future.

During any outage, we try to keep the Blogger Status blog updated once we know about an issue. Of course sometimes — as was the case on Saturday — affected users who cannot reach Blogger cannot reach the Status blog either. In such cases, we will try to post updates on the Blogger account on Twitter to keep users apprised of what we know and when we expect a resolution.

We don't like it when our users experience problems like what we saw on Saturday, but we hope the combination of transparency around these issues and our commitment to learn from our mistakes will help assure you that we're doing everything we can to keep Blogger a robust and reliable service for you. As always, thank you for using Blogger.

By Eddie Kessler