Wednesday, August 6, 2014

D.2 Hypertext Transfer Protocol

As discussed in Chapter 1, HTTP is the standard that allows documents to be communicated and shared over the Web. From a network perspective, HTTP is an application-layer protocol that is built on top of TCP/IP. Since the original version, HTTP/0.9, there have only been two revisions of the HTTP standard. HTTP/1.0 was released as RFC-1945[1] in May 1996 and HTTP/1.1 as RFC-2616 in June 1999.
[1] Request for Comments, or RFCs, are submitted to the RFC editor ( usually by authors attached to organizations such as the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF at RFCs date back to the early ARPAnet days and are used to present networking protocols, procedures, programs, and concepts. They also include meeting notes, opinions, bad poems, and other humor: RFC-2324 describes the Hypertext Coffee Pot Control Protocol.
In Chapter 1, we told you that HTTP is very simple: a client—most conspicuously a web browser—sends a request for some resource to a web (HTTP) server, and the server sends back a response. The HTTP response carries the resource—the HTML document or image or whatever—as its payload back to the client.
Continuing our analogy from the previous section, HTTP is a kind of cover letter—like a fax cover sheet—that is stored in an envelope and tells the receiver what language the document is in, instructions on how to read the letter, and how to reply.

D.2.1 Uniform Resource Locators

Uniform resource locators—more commonly known as URLs—are used as the primary naming and addressing method of the Web. URLs belong to the larger class of uniform resource identifiers ; both identify resources, but URLs include specific host details that allow connection to a server that holds the resource.
A URL can be broken into three basic parts: first, the protocol identifier; second, the host and service identifier; and, last, a resource identifier that contains a path with optional parameters and an optional query that identifies the resource. The following example shows a URL that identifies an HTTP resource:

The HTTP standard doesn't place any limit on the length of a URL, but some older browsers and proxy servers do. The structure of a URL is formally described by RFC-2396: Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI): Generic Syntax.
D.2.1.1 Protocol
The first part of the URL identifies the application protocol. HTTP URLs start with the familiar http://. Other applications that use URLs to locate resources identify different protocols; for example, URLs used with the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) begin with ftp://. URLs that identify HTTP resources served over connections that are encrypted using the Secure Sockets Layer start with https://. We discuss the use of the Secure Sockets Layer to protect data transmitted over the Internet in Chapter 11.
D.2.1.2 Host and service identification
The next part of the HTTP URL identifies the host on which the web server is running, and the port on which the server listens for HTTP requests. The domain name or the IP address can identify the host component. Using the domain name allows user-friendly web addresses such as:

The equivalent URL using the IP address is:

Domain names are not case sensitive.
D.2.1.3 Nonstandard TCP ports
By default, a HTTP server listens for requests on port 80. So, for example, requests for the URL are made to the host machine on port 80. When a nonstandard port is used, the URL must include the port number so the browser can successfully connect to the service. For example, the URL connects to the web server running on port 8080 on the host
D.2.1.4 Resource identification
The remaining URL components help locate a specific resource. The path, with optional parameters, and an optional query are processed by the web server to locate or compute a response.
The path often corresponds to an actual file path on the host's filesystem. For example, an Apache web server running on a Unix machine that hosts may store all the web content under the directory /usr/local/apache2/htdocs and be configured to use the path component of the URL relative to that directory. In this case, the HTTP response to the URL contains the file /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/marketing/home.html.
In contrast to domain names, the resource identification component is usually case sensitive. This is because it refers to a directory or file on the web server, and Unix servers (which host the majority of web sites) are case sensitive.
D.2.1.5 Parameters and queries
The path component of a URL can include parameters and queries that are used by the web server. A common example is to include a query as part of the URL that runs a search script. The following example shows the string q=red as a query that the script search.php can use:

Multiple query terms can be encoded using the & character as a separator:

Parameters allow other information not related to a query to be encoded. For example, consider the parameter lines=10 in the URL:;lines=10?q=red

This can be used by the search.php script to modify the number of lines to display in a result screen.
HTTP provides the distinction between parameters and queries, but parameters are more complex than described here and are not commonly used in practice. We discussed how PHP can use query variables encoded into URLs in Chapter 6.
D.2.1.6 Fragment identifiers
A URL can include a fragment identifier that is interpreted by the client once a requested resource has been received. A fragment identifier is included at the end of a URL separated from the path by the # character. The meaning of the fragment identifier depends on the type of the resource. For example, the following URL includes the fragment identifier tannin for a HTML document:

When a web browser receives the HTML resource, it then positions the rendered document in the display to start at the anchor element if the named anchor exists.
D.2.1.7 Absolute and relative URLs
The URL general syntax allows a resource to be specified as an absolute or a relative URL. Absolute URLs identify the protocol http://, the host, and the path of the resource, and can be used alone to locate a resource. Here's an example absolute URL:

Relative URLs don't contain all the components and are always considered with respect to a base URL. A relative URL is resolved to an absolute URL, with respect to the base URL. Typically, a relative URL contains the path components of a resource and allows related sets of resources to reference each other in a relative way. This allows path hierarchies to be readily changed without the need to change every URL embedded in a set of documents.
A web browser has two ways to set base URLs when resolving relative URLs. The first method allows a base URL to be encoded into the HTML using the element. The second method sets the base URL to that of the current document; this is done in the absence of a element. For example, the following HTML document contains three relative URLs embedded into elements:
  Read my Curriculum Vitae

  Read my employment history

  Visit Fred's home page

Consider what happens if the page that contains the example is requested with the following URL:

The three relative URLs are resolved to the following absolute URLs by the browser:

Table D-1 shows several relative URLs and how they are resolved to the corresponding absolute URLs given the base URL
Table D-1. Example relative URLs resolved to absolute URLs
Relative URL
Absolute URL with respect to

D.2.1.8 URL encoding
The characters used in resource names, query strings, and parameters must not conflict with the characters that have special meanings or aren't allowed in a URL. For example, a question mark character identifies the beginning of a query, and an ampersand (&) character separates multiple terms in a query.
The meanings of these characters can be escaped using a hexadecimal encoding consisting of the percent character (%) followed by the two hexadecimal digits representing the ASCII encoded of the character. For example, an ampersand (&) character is encoded as %26.
The characters that need to be escape-encoded are the control, space, and reserved characters:
; / ? : @ & = + $ ,

Delimiter characters must also be encoded:
< > # % "

The following characters can cause problems with gateways and network agents, and should also be encoded:
{} | \ ^ [ ] `

PHP provides the rawurlencode( ) function to encode special characters. For example, rawurlencode( ) can build the href attribute of an embedded link:
echo '';

The result is an element with an embedded URL correctly encoded:

D.2.2 HTTP Requests

The model used for HTTP requests is to apply methods to identified resources. A HTTP request message contains a method name, a URL to which the method is to be applied, and header fields. Some requests can include a body—for example, the data collected in a form—that is referred to in the HTTP standard as the entity-body.
The following is the example HTTP request we showed you in Chapter 1:
GET /~hugh/index.html HTTP/1.1


From: (Hugh Williams)

User-agent: Hugh-fake-browser/version-1.0

Accept: text/plain, text/html

The request applies the GET method to the /~hugh/index.html resource. The action is to retrieve the HTML document stored in the file index.html.
The first line of the message is the request and contains the method name GET, the request URL /~hugh/index.html, and the HTTP version HTTP/1.1, each separated by a space character. The request is followed by a list of header fields. Each field is represented as a name and value pair separated with a colon character, and each field is on a separate line.
The header fields are followed by a blank line and then by the optional body of the message. A POST method request usually contains a body of text, as we discuss in the next section.
D.2.2.1 Request methods
There are six request methods, but only three are used in practice:

Retrieves a resource. A query can be used to add extra information to the GET request and, as we discussed in our introduction to URLs, these are appended to the URL itself. A database search is a good example of an application of the GET request: the resource is likely to be a web script, and the query component of the URL is the search conditions.

Sends data to a server. Rather than appending data to the URL, the data is sent in the body of the HTTP request.

Requests only the header fields as a response, not the resource itself. This can be used for lightweight retrieval, so that the modification date of a resource can be checked before the full resource is retrieved with GET.

Allows a resource identified by the URL to be deleted from a server. This is the counterpart to the PUT method discussed next and it allows an author to remove a resource from the specified URL. It's usually not implemented by web servers.

Similar to the POST method, this method is designed to put a resource onto a server. Some HTML editors and web servers support the PUT methods allowing authors to put resources onto a web site at the specified URL. However, it's usually not implemented by web servers.

Produces diagnostic information.
The HTTP standard divides these methods into those that are safe and those that aren't. The safe methods—GET and HEAD—don't have any persistent side effects on the server. The unsafe methods—POST, PUT, and DELETE—are designed to have persistent effects on the server. The standard allows for clients to warn users that a request may be unsafe and, for example, most browsers won't resend a request with the POST method without user confirmation.
The HTTP standard further classifies methods as idempotent when a request can be repeated many times and have the same effect as if the method was called once. The GET, HEAD, PUT, and DELETE methods are classified as idempotent. The POST method isn't.
D.2.2.2 GET versus POST
Both the GET and POST methods send data to the server, but which method should you use?
The HTTP standard includes the two methods to achieve different goals. The POST method was intended to create a resource. The contents of the resource would be encoded into the body of the HTTP request. For example, an order form might be processed and a new row in a database created.
The GET method is used when a request has no side effects (such as performing a search) and the POST method is used when a request has side effects (such as adding a new row to a database). A more practical issue is that the GET method may result in long URLs, and may even exceed some browser and server limits on URL length.
Use the POST method if any of the following are true:
  • The result of the request has persistent side effects such as adding a new database row.
  • The data collected on the form is likely to result in a long URL if you used the GET method.
  • The data to be sent is in any encoding other than seven-bit ASCII.
Use the GET method if all the following are true:
  • The request is to find a resource, and HTML form data is used to help that search.
  • The result of the request has no persistent side effects.
  • The data collected and the input field names in a HTML form are in total less than 1,024 characters in size.

D.2.3 HTTP Responses

When a web server processes a request from a browser, it attempts to apply the method to the identified resource and create a response. The action of the request may succeed or fail, but the web server always sends a response message back to the browser.
A HTTP response message contains a status line, header fields, and (usually) the requested entity as the body of the message. For example, the following is the result of a GET method request for a small HTML file:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2004 02:54:37 GMT

Server: Apache/2.0.48

Last-Modified: Fri, 19 Dec 2003 02:53:08 GMT

ETag: "4445f-bf-39f4f994"

Content-Length: 321

Accept-Ranges: bytes

Connection: close

Content-Type: text/html


Grapes and Glass

Welcome to my simple page 

The first, status line begins with the protocol version of the message, followed by a status code and a reason phrase, each separated by a space character. The status code is a number and the reason phrase describes its meaning; these are discussed in the next section. The status line is then followed by the header fields. As with the request, each field is represented as a name and value pair separated with a colon character. A blank line separates the header fields from the body of the response, in this case an HTML document.
D.2.3.1 Status codes
HTTP status codes are used to classify responses to requests. The HTTP status code system is extensible, with a set of codes described in the standard that are "generally recognized in current practice". HTTP defines a status code as a three-digit number, where the first digit is the class of response. The following list shows the five classes of codes defined by HTTP:

Informational. HTTP 1.1 uses codes in this class to indicate the request has been received by the server and that processing is continuing.

Success. The request was successfully received, and the action successfully performed.

Redirection. When a response has a redirection code, the client needs to make a further request to get the specified resource. The URL of the actual resource is included in the response header field Location. When the status code is set to 301, the browser automatically makes the request for the URL specified in the Location header field. The use of the Location header field is discussed further in Chapter 6, and used in many examples throughout this book.

Client error. The request can't be processed because of bad syntax of the message, the sender is unauthorized or forbidden to access the resource, or the resource can't be found.

Server error. The server failed to fulfill a valid request.

D.2.4 Caching

Most user agents, such as web browsers, allow HTTP responses to be cached. HTTP responses are cached by saving a response to a request in memory. When a browser considers a request, it first looks to its local cache to see if it has an up-to-date copy of the response before sending the request to the web server. This can significantly reduce the number of requests sent to a web server, improving the performance of the web application and responsiveness to users.
Consider a web site that includes a company logo on the top of each HTML page:

When the browser requests a page that contains the image, a separate request is sent to retrieve the image /images/logo.gif. If the image resource is cacheable, and browser caching is enabled, the browser saves the response. A subsequent request for the image is recognized, and the local copy from the cache is used rather than sending another request to the web server.
A browser uses a cached response until the response becomes stale, or the cache becomes full and the response is displaced by the resources from other requests. The primary mechanism for determining if a response is stale is comparing the date and time set in the Expires header field with the date and time of the machine running the browser. If the date and time are incorrectly set on the machine, a cached response may expire immediately or be cached longer than intended.
HTTP describes the conditions that allow a user agent to cache a response. However, there are many situations in which an application may wish to prevent a page from being cached, particularly when the content of a response is dynamically generated, such as in a web database application.
HTTP/1.1 uses the Cache-Control header field as its basic caching control mechanism. For example, setting the Cache-Control header field to no-cache in a HTTP response prevents the response from being cached by a HTTP/1.1 user agent. The header can be used in requests and responses, but we consider only responses here.
Some HTTP/1.1 Cache-Control settings are directed to user agents that maintain caches for more that one user, such as proxy servers. Proxy servers are used to achieve several goals, the most important of which is to provide caching of responses for a group of users. A local network, such as that found in a university department, can be configured to send all HTTP requests to a proxy server. The proxy server forwards requests to the destination web server and passes back the responses to the originating client.
Proxy servers can cache responses and thus reduce requests sent outside the local network. Setting the Cache-Control header field to public allows a user agent to make the cached response available to any request. Setting the Cache-Control header field to private allows a user agent to make the cached response available only to the client who made the initial request.
Setting the Cache-Control header to no-store prevents a user agent from storing the response on disk. This prevents sensitive information from being inadvertently saved beyond the life of a browser session. HTTP/1.1 defines several other Cache-Control header fields not described here.
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Sunday, May 18, 2014

A pair of shoes worn

A gift to someone else we should we keep and we do not underestimate the giving of others. Therefore it must have been giving for people who give to us he hopes to use as possible and not mengingginkan for waste. 

The sun came faster than the usual, cold morning air makes Ron to run a small run while walking around the village. "Hhmm offish" Ron said while rubbing rubbing both hands while shaking. From the end of the road looks old man walked slowly, feeling a little tired rony began walking slowly sat for occasional flexing his leg muscles.  
"After doing son" rony shocked to hear the sound of it, he turned to the right he saw an old man who had been at the end of the road now exists nearby.  
With a sigh "again seek sweat kek, grandfather going". The old man was silent for a moment, putting a stick which he used for walking was sitting next to the grandfather. "Where are you going, son do not want to relax the muscles of old grandfather wrote" replied the old man with a foot massage mijit already crimped it. 

Time goes by fast does not feel the sun had begun to rise and the conversation between rony and kakekpun must be completed. "Let me go home during kek home first" rony said to the grandfather. From hand-grandfather, grandfather giving a black plastic bag which he held from before. "What was kek" Ask rony, opening the plastic bag provided in the grandfather. He saw the shoes that look shabby. 

  "This for me kek" Tanya rony, closing back the plasti bag. 

 "He was only son for you, please in thank ya boy" replied the grandfather to rony

Because of seeing the state of the elderly grandfather had decided rony accept gifts for the grandparents. Rony finally stood up and proceeded to walk slowly towards the house.  

"Basic odd parents shoes like this in the future kasihkan to others" said rony at heart. As he walked home care rony complained that due to the continuously given the shoes are already worn. Rony feet was stopped at the sight of a pile of garbage in front of him. Rony terbesit in mind to throw this shoe. finally he threw the shoe in the trash was the love of grandparents. with a grin he went on a trip to go home.  

"MOTHER open the door" rony said while knocking on his front door. Soon pintupun open. "Mom why you crying" asked rony to the mother. Mother wiping tears saying "mother had received word that his adoptive father died" as she wiped her tears rony asked "does the mother have ayang lift", then all the rony mother telling her that if the first child ever adopted by others because of their no children. Finally, after they finished talking they both set off to come home from the mother's adoptive father. 

When they arrived at the place that the mother immediately went into the house while rony just sit in front of the house alone. After a few moments later terdengan voice from inside the house "here rony entry". Rony was slowly stood up and went home. Sitting next to his mother he looked around preference. Rony was terperanga while remembering to remember those who are in the photo the preference end. 

What a surprise when he saw the bodies in front of it turned out to grandparents who he met on the street this morning, shaking all rony body while viewing the bodies. "These people are not likely to see me this morning" said rony sesekai herself as she stroked his chest.  

"Mom it right pan 's death " rony whispered whispered to her mother .

 "This morning, after the morning prayers " answered the mother .
 " Itukan when I 'm running in the morning " said rony in the liver .

Because all of the family had gathered earlier in the berangkatkan tomb buried . After completion of the buried family back home . While imagining that had occurred earlier that morning rony considered strange . terdengan mother recalled asking for it brought back memories I'll always remember his mother to the adoptive father .

No audible words shoes . rony was sitting quietly listening to the conversation of his mother 's brother to sister . What a surprise to hear that the shoe which is owned by the adoptive father had lost a day ago and the hallmark traits that exact same shoes with shoe in love grandfather was paagi to rony .

Finally rony asked permission to go home to his mother first . When she got home she immediately ran to the trash can where he had to throw shoes . Alangkat surprise anymore that the shoes were gone. He asked anyone who passes that way , if they see a black Plastic bags containing the shabby shoes .

Inside he apologized to the old man that has discarded the gift . And he walked home sad , crying and regret .
Short Story by SUPRIYANTO

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Dragon Nest SEA – Level 60 Saint PVP/PVE Skill Build Guide by Mystearion

First of all, I want you guys know that this is only a guide and not the best guide ever made.
The purpose is to guide you while you making your Saint Skill build. There are many guides out there you guys can search for and this is only one of that guides.
Table of Content:

1.1 Introduction
1.2 PVE Saint Skill Build
1.3 1v1 PvP Saint Skill Build
1.4 Group PvP Saint Skill Build
1.5 Hybrid PVE/PVP Saint Skill build
1.6 My Skill Build
1.7 Closing
< 1.1 Introduction >
Hello Guys. It’s me again back again to bring you guys a little guide for your level 60 Saint Skill Build.It’s quite simple and I can’t make the item build yet because I’m not sure what’s better etc and still need explore more about it. Hope can post the item build for you guys soon but before that I bring you guys Level 60 Saint Skill build.
< 1.2 Pure PVE Saint Skill Build >
So usually PVE-Saint uses this type of build. You can say it’s Ideal for Pure PVE Saint that do PVE more and less PVP.
Cleric Skill Tree
Max Charged Bolt – Charged Bolt have the highest damage in cleric skill tree when it’s on Max. For Charged Bolt, if can’t get level 19 better leave it at level 1 and use on other skill.
Block level 2 – Many will ask why block only level 2. The answer is you won’t take more than 3 skills at a time in PVE so you can save SP for other skill
Max Physical Mastery – Your heal (not healing relic) will counted from your hp so it’s better you get more hp to increase the amount of heal you can produce.
Max Heal – Saint is a ‘Healer’ class so of course we need to max this.
Priest Skill Tree
Max Heal Relic – Saint is a ‘Healer’ class and this will be needed for raids and nests
Lightning Relic level 6 – It’s a requirement to get Lightning Relic EX and why not level 12? The damage output not worth for your 6 SP. With that 6 SP you can get higher damage output using other skill
Max Chain Lightning – For PVE, Chain Lightning damage output is better than detonate. Very High damage output
Detonate Level 6 – For PVE, Detonate needed sometime like in GDN and it produce high amount of damage too so why not?
Max Holy Burst – Damage output not bad and its good for crowd control in PVE since Holy Burst have a large AOE.
Max Cure Relic-Max Cure Relic is to add your light attack more so the damage produce higher than cure level 1.
Saint Skill Tree
Max Holy Shield-This is the most important skills in PVE and super useful in Raids. So you know why we must max it xD
Level 1 Shock of Relic- The damage produce by Shock of Relic can be painful but in this build Charged Bolt damage can be plenty too. You guys can take alternatives such as level 1 charged bolt and max shock of relic.
< 1.3 1v1 PVP Saint Skill Build >
Cleric Skill Tree
Max Holy Bolt – Holy Bolt increased in duration and at its max level holy bolt can hold enemy long enough to have your combo to hit the enemy. Recommended for 1v1
Block level 2 – Many will ask why block only level 2. The answer is you won’t take more than 3 skills at a time in PVE so you can save SP for other skill
Max Physical Mastery – Your heal (not healing relic) will counted from your hp so it’s better you get more hp to increase the amount of heal you can produce.
Max Heal – Saint is a ‘Healer’ class so of course we need to max this.
Priest Skill Tree
Level 6 Heal Relic – We won’t have many time to use this. Level 6 is enough to heal us in PVP and a little bit more focus to damaging skills.
Lightning Relic level 6 – It’s a requirement to get Lightning Relic EX and why not level 12? The damage output not worth for your 6 SP. With that 6 SP you can get higher damage output using other skill
Chain Lightning level 1 – For PVP, Chain Lightning damage output is very low. We use chain in PVP for the electrocute effect so we can detonate it.
Max Detonate – For PVP, Detonate produce a lot of damage! Max the detonate will make you easily kill enemy.
Max Holy Burst – Damage output not bad and its good for crowd control in PVE since Holy Burst have a large AOE.
Level 12 Lightning Bolt- Lightning bolt have nice damage in pvp than chain lightning. Lightning bolt can be use as a dead blow or use for continuing your combo.
Take avenging wave so can back from flinch state fast.
Saint Skill Tree
Max Holy Shield-Can save you when you in danger if used in nice timing.
Level 1 Shock of Relic- In 1v1 PVP shock of relic is hard to hit enemy. not recommended to max it
< 1.4 Group PVP Saint Skill Build >
Cleric Skill Tree.
Block level 2 – Many will ask why block only level 2. The answer is you won’t take more than 3 skills at a time in PVE so you can save SP for other skill
Max Physical Mastery – Your heal (not healing relic) will counted from your hp so it’s better you get more hp to increase the amount of heal you can produce.
Max Heal – Saint is a ‘Healer’ class so of course we need to max this.
Level 6 Holy Bolt-Why not max this? because in group pvp usually we have a teammate that has binding skills such as Time Stop,Bind Relic from another Priest and holy bolt from another cleric as well. Since we are not alone it’s good to support with 1.5 secs duration.
Priest Skill Tree
Level 6 Heal Relic – We won’t have many time to use this. Level 6 is enough to heal us in PVP and a little bit more focus to damaging skills.
Chain Lightning level 1 – For PVP, Chain Lightning damage output is very low. We use chain in PVP for the electrocute effect so we can detonate it.
Max Detonate – For PVP, Detonate produce a lot of damage! Max the detonate will make you easily kill enemy.
Max Holy Burst – Damage output not bad and its good for crowd control in PVE since Holy Burst have a large AOE.
Level 12 Lightning Bolt- Lightning bolt have nice damage in pvp than chain lightning. Lightning bolt can be use as a dead blow or use for continuing your combo.
Max Bind Relic- This is very good in Group PvP since bind relic will longer duration will annoyed the enemy team in maps.
Take avenging wave so can back from flinch state fast.
Saint Skill Tree
Max Holy Shield-This is the most important skills in PVE and super useful in Raids. So you know why we must max it xD
Max Shock of Relic- as I said before it got nice damage and in group pvp relic is annoyed the enemy which means when they pass the relic u have many chance to use this skill.
< 1.5 Hybrid PVE/PVP Saint Skill Build >
Cleric Skill Tree
Holy Bolt level 6-useful in PVP and can be useful in PVE too to bind grouped monsters.
Block level 8 –Block level 8 can block many skills at a time.which in PVP when all people try to attack you,your block won’t broke easily.
Max Physical Mastery – Your heal (not healing relic) will counted from your hp so it’s better you get more hp to increase the amount of heal you can produce.
Max Heal – Saint is a ‘Healer’ class so of course we need to max this.
Priest Skill Tree
Max Heal Relic – Saint is a ‘Healer’ class and this will be useful for both PVP and PVE
Lightning Relic level 6 – It’s a requirement to get Lightning Relic EX and why not level 12? The damage output not worth for your 6 SP. With that 6 SP you can get higher damage output using other skill
Max Chain Lightning – For PVE, Chain Lightning damage output is better than detonate. Very High damage output
Detonate Level 6 – For PVE, Detonate produce high damage at PVP
Max Holy Burst – Damage output not bad and its good for crowd control in PVE since Holy Burst have a large AOE.
Level 4 Protection shell-The increase in this buff not significant. add SP to another damaging skill better.
Take avenging wave so can back from flinch state fast.
Saint Skill Tree
Max Holy Shield-This is the most important skills in PVE and super useful in Raids. So you know why we must max it xD
Level 4 Shock of Relic- The damage produce by Shock of Relic can be painful both in PVE and PVP.For group PVP its annoying too because can easily cancel enemies’ skills.
< 1.5 My Saint Skill Build >
Cleric Skill Tree
Holy Bolt level 6-useful in PVP and can be useful in PVE too to bind grouped monsters.
Block level 2 – Many will ask why block only level 2. The answer is you won’t take more than 3 skills at a time in PVE so you can save SP for other skill
Max Physical Mastery – Your heal (not healing relic) will counted from your hp so it’s better you get more hp to increase the amount of heal you can produce.
Max Heal – Saint is a ‘Healer’ class so of course we need to max this.
Priest Skill Tree
Max Heal Relic – Saint is a ‘Healer’ class and this will be needed for raids and nests
Lightning Relic level 6 – It’s a requirement to get Lightning Relic EX and why not level 12? The damage output not worth for your 6 SP. With that 6 SP you can get higher damage output using other skill
Level 9 Chain Lightning – For PVE, Chain Lightning damage output is better than detonate. Very High damage output but I put it as level 9 to max cure relic that can add more light attack to my stats and very high percentage your damage will be better than max chain lightning with level 1 cure relic.
Detonate Level 6 – For PVE, Detonate produce high damage at PVP and PVE.
Max Holy Burst – Damage output not bad and its good for crowd control in PVE since Holy Burst have a large AOE.
Max Cure Relic-Max Cure Relic is to add your light attack more so the damage produce higher than cure level 1.
Take avenging wave so can back from flinch state fast.
Saint Skill Tree
Max Holy Shield-This is the most important skills in PVE and super useful in Raids. So you know why we must max it xD
Level 4 Shock of Relic- The damage produce by Shock of Relic can be painful both in PVE and PVP.For group PVP its annoying too because can easily cancel enemies’ skills.
< 1.7 Closing >
That’s it guys from me the guide for level 60 saint skill build. Hope this can help you to make your saint’s skill build. If you have any question regarding this Guide can kindly email me at or pm me in-game Mystearion.
Thanks For reading this guide. Hope you guys learned something from this. 
A big thank you to Mystearion again for his guide!
He actually made it very soon after the release of 60 cap (within 2 weeks), just that I didn’t have time to upload it onto to the site, my deepest apologies for that >_<
If you have questions for him you can also ask him at his facebook fan page here:
Remember skill builds are always a personal choice to suit a playstyle they believe in, believe you light and flames bear that in mind.
Special thanks to Mystearion for the writing of this guide again! :D
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Dragon Nest - Saint combo practice ( Low Skills only )

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Dragon Nest SEA - Lvl 60 Saint Aggressive PvP Playstyle

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Priest (Cleric)

Introducing, my char IGN Asmadi (rustic name) and his new Pet. When the others excited by the pet hound. Already have my own Pet Apocalypse!!

Just kidd, there's no harm also take advantage of the moments before Disconnected hehe.

What The F * ck is Priest?

One Class in Dragon Nest is very interesting to play. There is no class that can get heal as priest. But he's not a job that can not be attacked. Because he can destroy opponents with light element magic. Urgently needed to deal with difficult nest-nest. If you like the gameplay or strategic support. Priest may be suitable to you

Priest has two branch build. Namely Support Oriented and Oriented damager. Where the Magic Attack Support improves the status of as many capabilities supported by VIT to survive. And the more you increase the damager Light Attack and Critical diaman you will be mighty enough DPS but be able to heal your party. For advancementnya, Support Priest became "Saint". While damager Priest becomes "Inquisitor".

But need I remind you, this is a game DPS. This game requires a party to have the highest possible DPS. Therefore even as support, we can not just abandon offensive skills-skills. Although not as much as it is the DPS class but it would be helpful if we could donate damage to the enemy. Is not contribute to the damage also includes support? After all, the skill-level skills essential to support already max

Vice versa, a damagernya you, lest you really abandon supportmu skills-skills. Although the (candidate) Inquisitor, your main task in PVE and PVP remains to support. If you Pingin damager so pure, so abysmally Elemental Lord alone than be priest.

Therefore, essentially all Priest skills must be taken of all, stay where you should be maximized, and which one should be taken minimal. Since the implementation of T4 to build support any damagemu be reckoned with and can not be underestimated. So I would memprovide Saint Priest skill build hybrid and hybrid Inquisitor. Where to Saint all the essential skills to support and some skill DPS Priest mainstay of the path taken Inquisitor max and vice versa.

Explanation of Skill

I will wear the name of DN SEA version. The name must be a different skill with the DN version of INA

Cleric Skills:
  • Shield blow: Fetched deafult. Let lv 1
  • Block: block the opponent's attack for the whole, a handy skill both PVE and PVP
  • Lightning Strike: Lightning SHOOOAAATT ..!!! Let lv 1
  • Charge Bolt: menhantamkan weapon to the ground and creating a flow of electricity in all directions. T4 indeed increases the damage done but only really if it is fixed level 11 at least. But the damage of this skill will be superb at lv 16. Take at least lv 6, or level 11 and 16 depending on the build. It's a good skill to invest for the SP in terms Cleric Tree 45 points.
  • Counter Blow: useful to quickly rise from knockdowned. If you feel no need to be in the drop
  • Heal: Curing xx% Max HP RECEIVER plus bonus based on level. remember max HP which meant here is not the recipient of max hp max HP caster. For example, you have Heal lv 6 (10.5% max hp + 6980) and you heal her friend who hpnya 5k max. He will receive a 502 + 6980 despite that you have got 20k hp eg 2100 + 6980. T4 makes this skill very super at all. Figures bonus heal that much more plus xx% max hp that much more skill to make each level of this skill should be at max-it does not matter what buildmu.
  • Divine Combo: Skill is quite useful when he was a cleric. But as a priest, or paladin, this skill useless. Except in PVP maybe because I often see Paladin or Priest put this skill to comboing. Let lv 1
  • Holy Bolt: Skill to disable the enemy for a few seconds. Simply take lv 1 as a tool to disable the enemy because the addition does not increase the duration of Paralyze lv.
  • Sliding Step: Skill to dodge number 1 for all classes, all of the build, all orientations, and all conditions PVE PVP. Max this skill no matter what. This is Your Lifesaver.
  • Aerial Evasion: Skill is very useful especially good PVE PVP. Makes you land with your feet when thrown in the air. Take lv 1 for PVE. and Max for PVP
  • All sorts of kick: as you did not need a priest skill2 kick. Maybe for PVP'er skill2 kick can be useful though as a priest. But I play a pure PVE Priest so can not give advice.
  • Redemption Aura: Increases heal amount by 30% in T4. This skill affects all heal from any source. Ntah the skills, potions, suffix, or other items in the drop mobs. Skill is very useful and free, no need SP for ningkatin.
  • Toughness: Physical defense adds. T4-nerf me this skill so the addition of an all-out defensenya be small compared to the previous version. I recommend this skill does not have to be taken. SP allocated to the block only if your target survivalibility
  • Physical mastery: add max HP. Max T4 makes this especially because it gives HP passive skill far more than previous versions
  • mental mastery and mind Conqueror: take mental mastery lv 1 as a requirement. And mind conqueror take max lv. ugliest level 2. MP consumption Priest T4 makes so much more extravagant than ever at lv 50 Plus there where the enemy can kill you.

Priest Skills:

The Buffs:

T4 makes priest buff skills-skills in a given status effects become less than the previous version. But it becomes a much longer duration is 180 seconds from 60 seconds

  • Shell Protection: reduces damage received by a party that a significant amount. As support max. As a condition to take enough damager.
  • Bless Of Strike: Buff super powerful, and Magical attacks add phisycal party. And most importantly, this skill increases the heal of the healing relicmu. Max this either support or damager
  • Bless of Light: Light adds Light Attack and Defense party. Well in your party if you're the only cleric, this is a light attack buff considering personnel exclusively for the cleric. However, in a nest with a boss light-based attack. This skill is a savior. max this kind of support would also damager

The Relics:
  • Lightning Relic: DPSmu one source, do not underestimate this skill even though the damage is relatively minor emang per tick her. For 15 seconds this skill can give considerable damage. And lightning relic is a relic with the fastest cooldown. Indispensable when priest must make relic wall to block enemy movement. Simply take a level cap at level 40 though you Saint wannabe because SP is more worth invested into other skills. Lv lv 6 in 50 for the Lightning Relic EX.
  • Healing Relic: Skill Heal as your main user of this skill MATK based skills. Max this to support or or damager. You asked to enter the party because people expect in this skill. T4 mengheal make this skill because a lot of bonus heal that before only a few hundred into the thousands even beat even the bonus heal heal amount which is calculated from matk.TIPS: All relics can be in the buff again after summoned. make buffnya stacked two at a time. ie the effect of buffs that were ngefek to you as the caster. then buff immediately he received when it is summoned. (Huh? By doing?) This I love the example
  • In the image looks without the influence of any buff, heal relic clicking my heals 2.3k per tick
  • In the next image, under the influence of striking healku be increased to 2.6k per tick. nah trick here, after heal relic summoned, BUFF AGAIN with Striking. With so Heal Relic also had striking effects and making
  • Allright, once 3.3k tick. The difference is very large considering healmu become more banyakkurang over 50% with this trick. Honestly though in SEA, many priests who do not know about this trick. So be knowledgeable of your own character.Trick also summoning effect on all types of units such as relic-another relic, alfredo, duck, summoning tower of the engineer and other units. T4 tips above would still apply but for now Bonus Heal tend to be more Heal larger than that of MATK. So often times you do not need to do more to relicmu buffing.
  • Cure Relic: Relic to cure bad status and add light, light attack and defense depending on your level. T4 makes this skill has a 25 second cooldown Fix and buff duration increased to 15 seconds. Addition levels increase attack buff Light and Light Defensenya. Take Max to light buff even bigger attack or lv 1 if you think that only the most important cure bad status alone.
  • Bind Relic: Memparalyze enemy who is in his reach. Holy Relic bolt but without damage. Useful in PVE enough to "pacify" the enemy swarm. Skill is very troublesome in pvp if placed in the right places. Each level increases the duration relic addition of as much as 3 seconds. Take all you want just depends on the build. But I think just grab maximum lv 3 or 2 only.
  • Miracle Relic: Relic of Mother. Left click to select the area where the relic is dropped. T4 makes the damage of this skill is weaker than ever. But still, the power of this relic is not the damage is, but buffnya which reduces 70% damage received by a party. for priests who want to raid party, this skill is not required to be there. Inquisitor also be acceptable only if the raid party has this skill. Oh yes, this skill also heal bad as the cure relic status. Miracle is sure a miracle, is not it? here the screenshot

The Magic Light
  • Lightning Bolt: Lightning Attacks frontal, T4 makes the damage done approximately two times that of the previous versions making it one of your best DPS skill. Take the max as Inquisitor of course, and Saint wannabe also can maximize this skill depends on the build.
  • Mind Snapper: Tumble and left click to send the ball lightning, lv 1 is enough, though as Inquisitor better Skill Point invested into another skill that has higher DPS.
  • Chain Lightning: Skill lightning bouncing off the enemy with a radius of 5 meters and resulted electroucuted status. T4 makes this skill be SUPERB!! Approximately 4-5 fold greater than the damage is T3 version and also cooldownnya just 12 seconds from 20 seconds. Making this skill from the previous merely the opening so that the enemy could be electrocuted and Detonate be a DPS skill andalanmu number 1. Max this either Saint or Inquisitor.
  • Detonate: Blow up enemies affected electrocuted. Damage sizable though not for Chain Lightning. Rather than as the main DPS skill, This skill now tend to move as a finishing enemy dead by lightning chain. Depending on the build take lv 1 or lv 6 or waste.
  • Heavenly Judgment: rain calling lightning to attack enemies around you. Ultimate branch Inquisitor. Damage is very large with a wide area. Flinching, giving shock status, as well as reducing light enemy defense. Ultimate Skill that is feared in PVP. Once in contact with you would not be able to escape. T4 makes this skill super sick, much sicker than others ultimate priest.
  • Grand Cross: You issued a cross beam that will be slow while injuring the enemy. Damage tolerable pain if the attack was hit a lot, especially T4 which increases the damage is quite large. But still slow animations issued a skill that can make you open to attack and also a very slow course of the cross makes it easy to avoid. Therefore this skill is only appropriate as a condition rather than Holy Burst enhanced high as DPS skill I think.
  • Holy Burst: damage tolerable, sangaat wide area. Crowd control your main skill. Love-love buildmu between Take lv 3 or if you feel it does not require this skill can be dropped. At lv 50 till lv 6 just take more than that because this skill is not worth to be invested.

Passive Skill:
  • Wand Mastery: increase Magic Attack when using Wand PERMANENT. Max this please. This skill also adds regular combo attackmu
  • Avenging wave: Skill counter, left click when Flinch to fight back the enemy. This skill is very useful if you like to pvp. if not well leave it
  • First aid: garbage. little attack, healnya little, throw it


  • Holy Shield: Buff to Mengheal as much as 40% of the magic every time attackmu hit attack (level 1). Duration of 30 seconds. Signature Skill that Saint is Priest-type support and also asserted Support should increase Magic Attack than Light attack.
  • Lightning Relic EX: Upgrading relicmu lightning. Goodbye relic that only a fool can strike both directions every time the tick because this attack Relicmu 360 degrees around it. But because the effects are so much more petirnya. LAG caution especially if there FU activate Beyond Time.
  • Shock of Relic: Skill is not a new relic, but the skill to blow each relic that you have with a radius of 5 meters from you. The relic is a one-time blast. Thus the damage of the skill is affected by the number of relics that exist in the arena. FU would be very useful here where beyond time makes just as much spam lightning relic and DOR. Relicmu exploded all with a very large total damage. But keep in mind relic blast radius is not too wide and low super armor while using this skill.

  • Transition shock: when I say this skill passive chain lightning. Each enemy that there are electrocuted, exposed to the enemy in the vicinity will also electrocuted with a 30% chance. And you get an extra 80% damage when attacking enemies with light magic element that electrocuted because this way. One reason to not rush download Detonate your opponent.
  • Lightning Bolt EX: Upgrading boltmu lightning. Increasing the area, damage, and chance to electrocuted. As an Inquisitor you have no reason not to take this skill. Lightning Boltmu looks to be a terrible lightning.
  • Consecration: creating a "Holy power area" on the ground with a radius of 5 meters which give damage on the enemy and reduce as much as 10% resistnya light. Damage per tick of this skill is not too great. But debuffnya certainly increase DPS cleric from you and all that is in the party.

Skill Builds
I would memprovide some build to cap 40 and all the build assumes you get a level 50 cap skill reset. If you can not reset at lv 50 build this build is not the best because of the waste of SP in Cleric Tree.

REMEMBER!! T4 makes skill build is much more flexible and can change depending on the player and the gameplay point of view of the skill. Do not be rigid on the skill build berpatok below. Simply make reference to not blind. All the build under PVE Oriented though of course you can still pvp with the build below.

LV 40

Equipment Build

In terms of what equipment is used, it all depends on the depth of your pockets. If you are new to play this game much better your equipment to upgrade the above rare +9, Ko hidden potential and appropriate suffix. It was much better than forcing yourself epic but just upgraded +6 down, there is no suffix, potent ga or carelessly.

Hidden Potential
  • Armor, necklace and earring: INT, VIT / AGI, Max HP. If you can not like it, the priority max hp> INT> VIT / AGI
  • Ring for Weapons and Support: Magic Attack, INT, AGI or 17% Crit if possible. At least incarlah Magic Attack and INT
  • Weapons and Semi Ring for DPS or support: Light attack, INT, AGI. Or if you can drill perfect pot MATK, INT, Critical.

Here it is part of a very pros and cons. Due to the knowledge and faith of each player are very diverse

Armor: T4 hp to make suffix suffix is ​​not too useful than ever before. This applies to either support or damage
  • Head: Intellect
  • Armor: Intellect
  • Trousers: Intellect / VIT
  • Shoes: Intellect / VIT
  • Gloves: HP
HP remains have been Iron Wall or Tent cooldownya ga luama very polite. All adding a bit of HP. While clearly adds INT to your primary status and provide magic defense bonus of any element. While VIT, perhaps if you feel the need for additional VIT survivalibility. This suffix can be used

For weapons:
  • Support: Magic Power / Intellect for Main Weapon. And Magic Power for secondary
  • Damager: Light Attack / Intellect for Main Weapon. And Tent for secondary

The reasons for selecting a suffix:

Magic Power Suffix: Suffix gives magic attack is the biggest crude-suffix suffix other than. Especially if it is installed in the secondary weapon. So it is very suitable for the Priest who wants to pump magic attacknya sake of healing and Holy relic shield. The effects were pretty suffix to improve DPSmu.

Intellect Suffix: Indeed although INT status which gives greater. But if the count is calculated suffix is ​​lost sedikiit about raw magic attack. But debuff resultant -11.50% magic resistance for all elements including non element which is very beneficial at all good for you and the whole party.

Suffix Light Attack: 100% skill damagingmu the light attack. Well except if you wear priest but pingin same Divine Shield Combo Blow anyway. This suffix is ​​berelement damagemu maximize light. Damage that is greater than when using Magic Power magic attack though obviously higher raw magic power.

Suffix Tent: first sound strange. Why not just magic power? This is because in the T4 critical damage enemy defense into account. I made frequent annoyance when encountering an enemy that has a great magic defense. 20% chance to reduce 25% of their MDEF for 10 seconds is more useful than a 25% chance to attack one even bigger 20% in magic power suffix. This suffix only exist in the secondary weapon.

Item Sets composition:
If you are already broke the piggy bank to buy equipment sets. Here my suggestion
LV 24: Elf queen set seeds 5 or 7 seeds - 5 pieces. Aims statnya bonuses alone
LV 32: Cerberus Set Full 7 seed - Fullset

LV 40
Which is good? Manti or Apoc my best?

Honestly I am surprised and shocked item sets DN other Indo than others. DN only guys who dapet set APOC and manti with effects like it.For Priest or the damager supportive priest who does not intend to play Final Damage. Obviously it is best to Manticore and 3 Composition 4 APOC for more magic attack.

As for the Priest who wants to pump Final damage is even bigger for the sake of damage. Suggested for 5 Manticore armor and weapon 2 Fighter. Because Fighter weapon which gives the final damage is greater than Fullset Manticore. And of course you have to have two pairs of Apocalypse accesory

Accessory (Support)
Epic accesory normal (non skill acc, acc is not set):
  • Necklace and Earring: Intellect Use both, or for more survivalibility a Healthy life. healthy but not both. You still need a magic attackmu.
  • Ring wear two magician. Or use ligh brilliance to attack that much more.

Need I remind you if you are the saint who support your top priority. In the cap 40 is okay and good you tend to increase light attack than magic attack. Yet heal relicmu healnya already very big bonus, especially when combined skill accesory. Level cap 40 is still not too urgent high magic attack.

But in the cap 50 and you're already a Saint. Fuck, light attack, the skill Holy Shield magic that only take into account the percentage of magic attackmu. Pumping MATK as much as possible would be greatly benefit you and your party.

Accesory skill (skill level adders)
It adaklah accesy best option if you want to be a support

If Chaos Nest Dungeon and lv 40 hell already. I suggest to make Skill Accessory to improve the skill level of your main support. That healing relic, striking, and later in the holy shield cap 50. Makes it difficult and takes patience. But it is really worth it to fight for

  • Skill Earring (+1 lv Healing Relic) search option which increases INT, or the increase VIT and max hp
  • Skill Ring (+1 lv Striking) search option VIT or magic attack and magic attack and attack Light
  • Skill Ring (+1 lv Charge Bolt) Optional if you like, or you can choose ordinary magician.
  • Skill Necklace (+1 Holy Shield) If the level cap 50 has been released and you are a saint. This is one of the mandatory skill level should be forced to rise. search options that increase INT, or the increase VIT and max hp

Accesory (damager)
Epic accesory normal (non skill acc, acc is not set):
  • Necklace and Earring: Wear Intellect both.
  • Ring wear two Brilliance for more magic attack. Or if you find it difficult critical. You can add the Fatal Ring

Accesory skill (skill level adders)
  • Skill Necklace (+1 Chain Lightning) search option which increases INT
  • Skill Earring (+1 Lightning Bolt) search option which increases INT
  • Skill Ring (+1 Charge Bolt) Search options and Light magic attack attack

Apocalypse Accesory (Pumping Final Damage)
  • Necklace and Earrings: Between Judgment or disciplinary. Both have exactly the same status Necklace and Earrings. Make sure the necklace and earring is similar to the final target damage is and do not use Revelation as worn revel in the ring alone.
  • Ring: Ring Apocalypse Revelation. Since the revelation ring gives the highest magic attack compared Judgement patchy. Disciplinary and that for the physical. If you choose Judgement ring for cheaper reasons. I suggest not. Because the status magic attack of small judgment. Moreover apocalypse accesory greatly reduce mentahmu status. Do you intend to reduce further attackmu magic? And also patk totally useless for priests.

Heraldy skill (Support):
  1. healing relic cooldown Decrease 20%. ABSOLUTELY MUST if admitted as a support. 20% Decrease cooldown are felt at all.
  2. Lightning Relic Cooldown 20%. As DPSmu skills and also to facilitate spamming tower when it should form the walls of relic
  3. optional between miracle relic, or chain lightning. I personally chose miracle relic because when the raid SDN, there are times when the miracle relic should be ready. Or if you feel you can present relic Miracle on time, you can choose a chain lightning +20% damage.
  4. Heal the Healing rate or Cooldown. Healing rate calculated at healmu example calculation healmu lv 6 max hp +6980 10.5% to 10.5% + 3% max hp +6980 (epic disposable plate. Rare to plate you got 2.5% heal rate. Choice is ye difference of 0.5% is worth it or not). Meanwhile, make the cooldown healmu Cooldown of 60 seconds to 52.8 seconds

Which one is better? Between Healing Rate or Cooldown?

Choose heal rate if you:
  • you often party with acro or force users who accelerate cooldown.
  • No cleric in your party again. Ntah paladin or a fellow priest.
  • Your party HPnya ntah rarely dying because its def a powerful, or because avoiding severe attacks
  • Good communication your party. Once told to get together and gather all direct response to heal
  • you often party to the max char that big hpnya
  • (Specials) for a tanker paladin who advanced SDN

While Cooldown if you:
  • your party ga friend who can accelerate the cooldown
  • Cleric in your party only
  • Your party often dying HPnya
  • Your party ga good communication, there is still told to gather from you misah aja
  • You often char-char party with chips

While ga herald use if you:
  • Not Cleric
  • Not have any money to buy herald

Well the third one weve pure troll. But for the first two merely as a "guide" so you ga confused to select which one is not an absolute right and definitely like it. The final choice is on you.

Heraldy skill (damager):
  1. Lightning Bolt option 20% damage. Sure you want to add to the damage from one of your main DPS skill. Especially at lv 50 you get the EX.
  2. Chain Lightning 20% ​​damage option. Skill your main DPS would need additional damage.
  3. Charge Bolt option 20% damage. Skill is also your main source of DPS.
  4. Healing Relic -20% cooldown option. If you ask the DPS Inquisitor but why healing relic. Of course because even as a priest damager, you still priest. Relicmu healing your party needs.

For option number 4 if you feel relicmu healing always comes on time. Then you can use the plate +20% damage Detonate or Holy Burst +20% damage depending buildmu.

Heraldy Enhancement
  1. Magician (magic attack)
  2. Wise (INT)
  3. Life Vitality (Max HP)
  4. Health (VIT)
  5. Fatal (Critical)
  6. Wind (AGI)
  7. Tent (MDEF)
  8. Optional between:
  • Support: blessed (crit resist) or shining (Def) for. In this case I chose Blessed because besides cheaper, also I think I have enough def to raid though. And also serangan2 deadly and difficult bosses tend to be avoided from various magic attacks instead of physical.
  • Damager: If you want to increase the apparent Final Damage Heraldy ultimate premium should be installed. if you do not want building FD, you can choose support Heraldy as above.

For the third option of Heraldy look Magic attack and VIT bonus. If it is too expensive for your pocket can be substituted with INT and max HP. Crit is also a third option you can use to improve damagemu

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