Friday, January 8, 2010

Penetrating TM PC Security Protection

If you're a fan of software protection for windows, you must be familiar with this software. PC Security is a software protection for files, system, boot and others equipped with protective fiture fiture-interesting. To be able to enter and modify proteksinya settings, you must ident as an administrator for PC security and it will be asked for a password.

So you can login without a password through, how search sdeamon.exe file name and file winwd.exe which is innate PC Security TM, dihidden file from windows, so go through DOS. Usually located in the directory c: \ windows or c: \ windows \ system. Delete these two files and you will be able to enter the PC Security TM easily and without being asked to change password settingnya. Good luck

Protect files

Protect files or folders in a way nge-rename the file or folder by using alt + 255 (or with other characters is a combination of alt + number) has a flaw that the file can still be seen in windows 9x environment as that will make people who see the curious atawa want to know.

In order not to be seen or be hidden files how to change the name of the file (eg file name is try it from DOS type: "ren, try (alt +255) new locker with hidden attribute from DOS (not windows). To open the back or cut through with ease can be used Norton Commander ..... ie when it entered the NC press the F6 and change the file name that wrote he did not look earlier....

Enabling Computer Lock Features

If you are using Windows XP but only menggandalakan password from screen saver, do not expect a high level of security from it. therefore, if you activate the checkbox On resuma, display welcome screen on screen saver, the computer can still be used by someone else who has an account on that computer. for that, you who want a higher security in Windows XP can use the Lock Computer feature in Windows XP.

So when you leave the computer, but you and the administrator, no one else can use the computer. How to enable this feature:

1. Click [Start] -> [Control Panel], then select User Accounts.
2. In the User Accounts window, select Change the way users log on or off, remove the check mark in the checkbox Use the Welcome Screen.
3. Then click [Apply Options].
4. Furthermore, if you want to lock the computer, press [Ctrl + Alt + Del] and select Lock Computer

Hide user account in Windows XP

Assessment of user: / 0
Poor Excellent
Hide user account in Windows XP
When you start the computer using the welcome screen will appear and will show all the user accounts on the computer. With the tips below you can hide the user account you want.
Click Start -> Run ---> Regedit

Key -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ SpecialAccounts \ Userlist
Value Name (name of user account that will be hidden
Data Type REG_DWORD (DWORD Value)
Data 0 to 1 to hide and show again.
Although the user account does not appear on the welcome screen, but you can still log in with user account, the way by pressing the Ctrl + Alt + Del two times

Search for a file system or Hidden Files

By default, Search does not search for hidden files or system files, so you can munkin not menumukan these files even though there is in the drive.
To find these, click Start, click Search, click All Files and Folders, then click on more
advanced options, Cetang Search box and Search system folders and hidden folders.

You do not need to set the Options dialog box folder in Explorer windows to show the files tesembunyi Search Companion sharing option hide protected operating system files (which hides files and system files are hidden) The Options dialog box in Windows Eplorer.

Flash disk size was not as originally

If you use a USB disk, you may have experienced irregularities in the remaining space. Say your flash disk size is 128Mb and contains half the alias 64MB. Strangely the rest of the space should still only 67MB was 20MB.Menggapa demikin. Flash disk empty actions also cause peculiarities which sometimes filled the room only to be informed of 128MB smaller. Only 50-60 MB for example. How do I get the missing space.

Flash dist is often experienced "lost space" like this after repeatedly used the data store. Actually this is not a problem, but we should get the maximum capacity of a flash disk. To try to restore full capacity to move data from flash disk to your hard dist, then re-do the format. select a quick format just after it should have been dist-capacity flash back to normal.
good luckl.
good luck

Accelerating Windows

Click Start -> Run -> type "regedit
Sign in to each section below:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelDesktop] -> Change the following match ..
"AutoEndTasks" = "1"
"HungAppTimeout" = "3000"
"MenuShowDelay" = "0"
"WaitToKillAppTimeout" = "3000"

-> Right click add a DWORD value "DesktopProcess"
-> Right click on the item "DesktopProcess" modify this turn into a "1"
-> Delete unneeded registers (the register contained therein is the startup process that will run every time windows login)
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionWinlogon]
-> Right click add a DWORD value "EnableQuickReboot"
-> Right click on the item "EnableQuickReboot" modify this turn into a "1"
-> Change the following as ...
"WaitToKillServiceTimeout" = "3000"
Good Try